Angel Chatter Blog

It's that time again, Mercury is doing is figuratively dance backwards in retrograde. While often times all things electronic can go haywire, it can also greatly contribute to miscommunications with others. Let's take it a step further in this Year of...
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Dreams. Who hasn't had one while sleeping? Those aren't the kind I'm talking about today. The dreams I'm talking about are those that can keep you up at night. Those dreams that can have you smile just thinking about it....
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The very word emissary can be defined as: "A person sent on a special mission, usually diplomatic in nature." Now not many, if any, of us reading this brilliant blog are a government official in the diplomatic corps. However, each...
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We did it! We launched into another new year - this time via the Chinese calendar. We have now officially entered The Year of The Dog. What does Dog bring to the table? When you think of dogs in general,...
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The Basics of Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is not a new phenomena. We’ve been bombarded with phrases such as: You Are What You Think Energy Goes Where Attention Flows You Create Your Own Reality Ask and...
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