You ARE What You Think

You ARE What You Think

The Basics of Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction is not a new phenomena. We’ve been bombarded with phrases such as:


You Are What You Think
Energy Goes Where Attention Flows
You Create Your Own Reality
Ask and Receive


Even those not born into the Law of Attraction, know its value. Here are some of my favorite quotes from NON Law of Attractioners:

“A person is what he or she thinks about all day long.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
American Essayist, Lecturer and Poet
“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, either way you are right.”
~ Henry Ford
Founder of Ford Motor Company
“Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it.”
Maya Angelou
American Poet, Civil Rights Activist and Memoirist
Even the Roman Emperor, Marcus Aureilis was known to say:
“The universe is change, our life is what our thoughts make it.”


Let me repeat, The Law of Attraction is not a new phenomena.

The sharing of quotes could be an entire site or blog post, but they may offer none or little value unless you can better understand the essence behind it all. Have you ever thought anything and it manifested?

  • It could have been a friend/family member calling
  • It could have been being fired from a job
  • It could have been the manifestation of your true love
  • It could have been having someone talk bad about you
  • It could have been...

Your thoughts hold great power. Any time our minds wander to a situation; whether it be real or imagined or wishful thinking, we are setting in motion its existence. Whether it is to wallow in the past and the shoulda’s, woulda’s and coulda’s, it doesn’t matter. We get stuck in that energy and perpetuate those kinds of situations continuing and life unfortunately will never get better.

In fact that line of thinking has been known to bring on frowns, tears, copious amounts of overeating, frustration, yelling and ultimately illness and/or isolation. True there is another saying, misery loves company. Notice I am not giving it power by highlighting or bolding or centering it; it was bad enough for it to go in italics. it may be fun to slam, wallow together and play the Jealousy Game with others as compatriots. We’ve all done it at some point.

Me included.

However, I realized it got me nowhere. Absolutely NOWHERE. How was this ascertained? I never, repeat NEVER, walked away from those conversations feeling uplifted. In fact, the opposite happened! I felt depleted!

Any communication that was shared was stuck in the same sort of wallowing. The cast of characters may have changed depending on the group, the topics may have changed, but wallowing it was. We might as well have sung the old children's diddie ~  Oh Woe is me, nobody loves me, everybody hates me, guess I’ll go eat worms.

Nobody likes me, everybody hates me
Guess I'll go eat worms!
Big fat juicy ones
Eensie weensy squeensy ones

and so on...

Not very productive, wouldn’t you say? Funny, temporarily, but never empowering.

Wallow vs. ?

At that point, and honestly couldn’t tell you when it happened, it just did. I broke the record and decided, actively decided NO MORE. If I wanted a life filled with more happiness, love, joy, wealth, true friends (who would support me and call me on the carpet when needed), the Wallow Recording had to go.

It was an active choice. A hard choice. A choice I second guessed a few times, but stuck with.

Wallowing Not Allowed became a personal motto. I would go and be sad when my grandparents died. I would be sad when my dad went to the hospital with his own Elephant Adventure (heart attack). I would be sad when this or that would occur. BUT I would not stay there and begin to own it or better put I would not allow it to own me.

I refused to allow wallowing to BEcome part of me. The choice to BE was stronger.

I would instead acknowledge that this required my attention. Certainly I miss my grandparents on a regular basis. When we retell as story, I see a photo of them in my office, when we watch the ants play baseball (another family pastime), but I realize those are memories that still serve me well. I have chosen to hold onto those that bring me joy and hold my loved ones in my heart. While I may not be able to pick up the phone and chat away with them, I can and still do pretty much daily.

What do you chose?

Choices are presented and made through each and every day. This ought to come as no surprise to you.

  • A choice to be moody or uplifted.
  • A choice to BE or scattered.
  • A choice to exercise or not.
  • A choice to put that oreo in your mouth or that apple. Both crunchy, but ...  maybe I’ll chose BOTH! ;)

An opportunity to make a choice varies from moment to moment and every situation for which we are presented. The Gang, the angels, has asked me to write about this very thing and their insistence has come from social media posts to clients AND customers urging me to write. So here goes.

Basic Philosophy of Your Thoughts Become Reality

Think about what kinds of choices you have made in the past that didn’t serve you well. Can you see how your thoughts created it? Even if you can only think of one incident, that is enough to get the ball rolling. Likewise, can you think of an event that occurred that you dwelt upon, the juicy kind of event? Can you see see how you also created that event?

If not, try this one on:

Have you ever noticed on the days you wake up refreshed and excited about life that so much seems to go your way?

Me too.

On those days I am soooo tapped in, turned on, that nothing gets in my way. Clients come out of the woodwork, requests for shows are offered and I really do write prose that is easily understood and absorbed. I have energy out the wazoo, akin to five cappuccinos and the world is my oyster and have pearls to prove it. Everything was truly done with ease, joy and love. NO effort needed.

On the flip side of the coin, have you noticed on those days when you wake up that it feels like a dark cloud is hanging over you and gets drearier as the day progresses?

Me too.

On those days, it's almost best to set restart, pull the covers over your head and zip the mouth shut for whatever comes out is misunderstood. You think folks are cursing you left and right. The world is out to get you and you have proof and names have been taken! On those days, have you ever noticed that you are also drained by day's end? It's exhausting to keep putting on the Brave Face, or Warrior Face or Sad Face. Exhausting I tell you!

In both scenarios we are supported in our thoughts; names, rank and serial numbers were provided. Actions to support our beliefs absorbed. In other words, we were validated no matter what we thought.

Hmmm... no matter what we thought, we were validated.

To BE vs. Not to BE… that is the question

Perhaps Shakespeare had it right all along.

It's always easier to BE. For in that essence of BEing you allow. When BEing, you are open to receiving all that is truly desired; wealth, love, joy, health, friends and more. For this big shift in internal shifting, I call upon Angel Uriel, The Angel of Safety. He reminds of this very thing; it is safe for me to BE me.

BEing is a State of MEing. That’s a new phrase! In essence the State of Meing is when you are Just. BEing. Yourself. It really is easy to maintain. However, it is the road less travelled getting to that state. It may not be easy, depending on how much you connect with non-BEing.

No matter what one says, all yearn to BE. They may call it whatever phrase or adjective that pops in, but all yearn to BE. The essence that has you shining like a rock star. The essence that has folks wondering what you do to glow like that. The essence that has life flowing for so much comes to you effortlessly.

I really can’t enforce this enough, but when you ARE BEing, no effort is needed.

  • You have nothing to prove.
  • You have nothing to apologize for.
  • You can say YES and mean it.
  • You can say NO and mean it.

You have chosen YOU.

When you chose you, your entire essence shifts. When you put YOU first, the facades that have been put up in order to get that giggle, be liked (or loved) begin to crumble. True you may be tired for a while; you’ve kept energy up for a very long time in order to attract that unsavory attention (while thinking it was a positive thing) while at the same time your soul was doing battle to keep that unsavory nonsense away as much as possible.

Once you consciously chose YOU, your terminology, inner and outer, begins to shift. The world does become a bit brighter. You find yourself waking up happier.

In fact, the angels wish to pass along this beautiful ritual for you to add each and every morning:

Morning Ritual

Upon awakening, without fail, connect with yourself.

Place your hands over your heart. 

Feel that beautiful organ beat to its own drummer. It does nothing to impress another, it just does it own thing, it does what it came here to do. Feel it giving back to you every moment of your entire life.

Give gratitude for its existence.

Stay in repose and this loving connection for as little as five minutes. Let’s face it, it usually takes at least that long to wake up anyway, so this is a doable activity that can easily fit in your very busy schedule.

That's it.

Why bother doing this?

Simply by giving gratitude for your beating heart, your day starts off with the energy of gratitude.

The Essence of Gratitude

Who knows, that gratitude may then seep into other areas of your life and you may find yourself being grateful for the roof over your head, the kitten snuggles, the sun or rain or snow (for each has its own innate beauty) and the list of gratitude could have you late for work! There are truly so many things, events, people, furpeople to be grateful for. You just may find yourself whistling as you go about your day you are BEcoming so happy!

This is the Law of Attraction as its very core. Gratitude begets more to enter to be grateful for.

Wish more assistance? It may be time to have a private session with me or consider taking The Authorization Course which is showing to help change the lives of each student.


I look forward to reading your insights below and feel free to share with your friends and family!

1 comment

  • Janice Tessaglia

    Chris. Thank you..I have struggled for years to say I Am…I ’ve had an awakening, and I am so excited about my new new me!

    I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the messages and blessings you send out everyday. So excited to start my new me..I’ve met my Twin Flame…and I am so happy!

    Thank you…?

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