Angel Chatter Blog

There are many ways to clear your tarot and oracle deck(s). Did you know the Angel Chatter Oracle Deck does not require clearing? Read on for more!
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I am often asked how can I do this or that? The 'This' or 'That' implies to better embracing and owning one own’s spirituality. It all starts with YOU. It starts within. It starts at the beginning. Step One Meditation...
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We are one week away from the one of the biggest moon events in over 150 years. Yes, really. It's been over 150 years since all of this great movement has melded together. What am I talking about? On January...
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If you are interested in any things woo-woo and/or angels, odds are you know of or have at least heard of Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel. When I think about it, looking back they were probably first in line as...
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What is the difference between Tarot Cards and Oracle Cards? Tarot cards have been recognized since the 14th Century, but have actually been around much longer. In fact they were originally called Trionfi which is translated to trump. Trionfi was initially the...
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