What is your dream?

Who hasn't had one while sleeping?
Those aren't the kind I'm talking about today. The dreams I'm talking about are those that can keep you up at night. Those dreams that can have you smile just thinking about it. Those dreams that can have you closing your eyes and sighing.
Those dreams.
How it Started
As many of you know, I grew up on the Eastern Shore. Lower Delaware to be exact. I loved the peace, the slow pace and of course the pristine beaches. In fact we started our living experience on the beach as our home wasn't ready inland. My parents took the road less traveled and we lived at the beach for five months. During the school year, we drove 30+ miles one way to get to school and the 30+ miles return home. I spent the afternoons at our local library while my dad finished his job and picked me up. We talked and sang the way home.
It was magical beyond magical.
We dried out pinecones during the winter months to make a Christmas wreath that graced our front door during the holidays for years.
We walked the beaches off season.
We ventured down to the boardwalk after the storm had passed to witness the fury of the waves.
We loved it and I certainly held it close to my heart for decades and in many ways still do as I am getting teary just remembering those five little months.
The Dream Becomes a Reality
Fast forward many years. I graduated high school; went to college for court reporting (shocker I know if you didn't already know this), moved away from my parent's home, got married, moved again, had children.
Well you get the drift.
We were living in Massachusetts at the time, but the Cape wasn't good enough for us! Noooooo, we had to drive 9+ hours south to go to the Eastern Shore Beaches! It was all an adventure while we visited family, relaxed on the beach and enjoyed crab feasts to the fullest.
We wanted to have a piece of the pie.
Within a few years, we were blessed to find the perfect place for us. It was in the old part of town which allowed our children to be 'big people' and walk into town to get milk or other sundries on a whim. They loved their independence and once again we loved the easier pace.
We spent many a summer there. Our children grew and obtained summer jobs. They moved on, but still came back for long or short visits. It was home away from home.
We eventually moved full time to the island of Chincoteague. It became our true refuge from the world as we pulled back and re-evaluated what we wanted from this thing called life. We pampered our home; installing new windows, doors, hardware, painted and I immersed myself in all things Angel Chatter and the gardens. We lived there; my husband, Gabi and the two small lions (aka cats) for four years.
Dreams Can Change
We moved off island about 1.5 years ago. We love the New Digs; it's close to nature. This allows Gabi and me to go swamping and wandering in the woods near the river whenever we desire which is almost daily.
The area we now live is congested; no denying that, but where we actually live offers great solace, creativity and expansion. All who enter our home comment on it. We love it.
As we continued to venture to the island, it was becoming a chore. The connection that drove us there was wilting. Times are changing and we aren't crazy about the direction of how it all feels any more.
The decision came to pull out. We thought long and hard on it. Having moved quite a bit over our 30+ year marriage, we know that utopia is where you make it; and this wasn't ours any more. It was time to practice what we preach and bring more balance into our life by having only one living space. As we drove down last week in separate cars to the place that I called home for close to 50 years now felt indifferent to me.
We made plans with a realtor. We boxed up the treasures that are to stay with us. We filled two cars to the brim with more to get at a later date. We cried a bit reminiscing at the amazing memories shared in this house (notice I am no longer calling it home). Memories are always close by; in your heart. We know this. We have cards sent to us by friends and family who stayed with us, or without us, over the years. Those we will take to continue to remember. I dug up plants that wanted to stay with me and are already safely planted in the ground across The Bay.
It did not escape either of us that this weekend happened over the New Moon just past. I did a new moon ritual on Saturday night and chatted away with Auriel, the Lunar Angel. I shared what I know and asked for her to better illuminate the right path for not only me, Angel Chatter, my family, but all who read this.
The New is Ushering In
What is in store next? Who knows. What we do know is that it was time to move off island. What we do know is that love is where you plant yourself. What we do know is there is a crispness in the air and once again we have taken a Leap knowing The Gang is catching us before we fall as we say YES to us and what we are here to do.
This goes for you as well. It's time to take a Leap of Faith. It's time to say YES to you.
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