
    Work With Christine

    You have a dream. A dream that keeps coming back time and time again on how your life ought to BE. No matter how fast you run or how much you work, your dream keeps coming back to you.

    Your dreams haunt you. They are never far from your mind and heart. You yearn to live that kind of life and have no idea how to get there, or you may have lost track of your dreams due to life and its circumstances.

    Whether you remember your dreams or not, your soul speaks to you so you may live a life full of joy, love, prosperity, health, wealth, and more.

    Let me help you, as your Dream Activator, manifest your dreams into reality.


    Want to know what others think?



    Read below for the most recent glowing testimonial:

    Without Christine’s inspiration and encouragement I would not be connecting Guardian Angels to their one through my artwork. The gang didn’t say this is what you need to do, but when I sketched my first angels and shared them with her, she told me not to be selfish but to share my work with the group. Christine has a gift of helping you take your glimmer of what you like to do and showing you how to manifest your dreams. It is a wonderful feeling to know that the gang (as she calls the Archangels, angels, goddesses, etc.) are there to catch you as you take that leap of faith in remembering who you really are and reawakening your purpose. Mere words cannot express my gratitude.

    Barbara Civin