What are you an emissary of?

The very word emissary can be defined as:
"A person sent on a special mission,
usually diplomatic in nature."
Now not many, if any, of us reading this brilliant blog are a government official in the diplomatic corps.
However, each one of us is an emissary!
Each one of us is an emissary for we represent our mission, our path, our calling throughout our life. Not only represent, but how we demonstrate it, live it, honor it.
In other words, how we ARE.
What are you an emissary of?
If I reflect over my life and the things that I have been constant about over the 50+ plus I've been on this blue ball, it is about helping others. It is about empowering others. It has been ultimately about Love, reminding others to LOVE themselves first and foremost (Thanks Chamuel).
Think over your life. Now this is a big question and one that could take some time to unwind.
Has your life been about healing? Either yourself or others or both? You are about helping others, specifically yourself to not only heal the proverbial boo-boo, but the mental, emotional and yes spiritual. It's through healing one's self that they can better assist another. Why? For they have truly been there and done that. Does it mean that you must go through a situation in order to help others heal? Of course not. This would be an Emissary of Healing.
Has you life been about unveiling the truth? Whether it is setting history straight or divining an essence to help others? As an example, many historical fiction books are not really fiction, but rather more accurate accounts of what happened. Many are not prepared to read it as truth, so the author has played with fictional characters to get the truth out there in an entertaining way. This would be an emissary of Truth.
Are you perhaps easily swayed by fluff and inadvertently knocking down others (yourself included at times). What is it that you are hiding or running away from? How does this teach others to stand in their truth? This, unfortunately, is an example of an Emissary of Avoidance. This kind of scenario requires some deeper thinking, exploring of the heart to unveil what has been hidden.
Hopefully these three examples can start to whet your appetite and open up to the various possibilities.
How can you BE a better emissary to yourself?
In a nutshell, BE. I know, I know, much easier said than done at times.
We had our bi-weekly Facebook LIVE for students of The Authorization Course last night and some were having difficultly in meditating with a specific angel.
"I'm trying, but can't tap into their energy."
That's the key right there - try
Advice? STOP trying and BE. It is when stillness surrounds you that the mind can stop. In fact just this week, I hit the proverbial wall and desperately needed a nap. I did listen, but even if my body decides to stop, the mind keeps going at Mach 5. On that particular day a window was open in our bedroom and The Gang had me listen.
I heard the heat click on.
I heard our cats purring as they snuggled close.
I heard Gabi sigh as she relaxed.
I heard the music of our windchimes dance in the breeze and even noticed the various notes as it played its song.
I noticed my breathing.
I heard a plane fly overhead.
My brain stopped and I slept for 1.5 hours.
I was in the energy of BEing. I was in the moment of now and not thinking of the past or certainly of the things I should be doing at that particular moment.
Just BE.
Easier said than done, but entirely possible.
Other Ways to enter the State of BEing
As many of you know, I'm a BIG supporter of yoga. Finding the right class and teacher can do wonders not only for your psyche, but offer profound moments of BEing. Not just in the coveted final act - corpse pose, but throughout your entire practice. It helps to still the mind, open the heart and allows you to walk through the door of stillness.
Did I just say eat? I sure did. However, and you knew it was coming, to not eat in front of the TV or on the run. Eat whatever food you are eating consciously. Enjoy it, savor it, feel it nourish your soul. There are two categories of food; one that nourishes and one that dulls. Both can have its place; it truly all depends on your mission at the moment. For example, pancakes are hardly nourishing but oh so yummy; however, I thoroughly enjoy them on Sunday night after a long show weekend. Why? They help me sleep. Likewise, if I have a busy day ahead, no pancakes for me!
Whatever you chose, chose wisely.
You knew it would show up! Yes meditation in itself is a form of BEing and will greatly help to remind you what you are here to do and how and why. Begin practicing which can lead more to BEcoming a constant flow of meditation and BEing.
Relax. Breathe. BE.
If you are really in a quandary of what your mission is, chat with Metatron while in meditation. One of Metatron's many duties is to help all souls unleash and live and experience their soul's mission in this life.
Any form that gets you out of your mind and into the act.
Each form helps to program the mind to still as you focus on the act at hand.
Anything you create from jewelry design to coloring can apply and go under the umbrella of BEing. Don't you dare tell me you are not creative! Every single person has creative juices within. Time to let go of 'It's not good enough to hang in the Louvre' and time to simply have fun.
Take the above examples and add on as you feel guided. As each one makes a more permanent impact in your life, you begin to BE throughout the day vs. running around putting out fires.
Each act builds upon itself. You better understand it doesn't have to be about sitting still. The act can be intricately involved in movement as well and be just as powerful.
As each act builds, becomes integrated, your soul remembers. It craves it and through that craving, you BEcome the emissary you are destined to be.
As always I look forward to reading your thoughts below.
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