How Mercury in Retrograde affects us according to Raphael

How Mercury in Retrograde affects us according to Raphael - Angel Chatter

It's that time again, Mercury is doing is figuratively dance backwards in retrograde. 

While often times all things electronic can go haywire, it can also greatly contribute to miscommunications with others.

Let's take it a step further in this Year of Love (2018); miscommunication with self. 

How often do you tell yourself little white lies?

If you like the rest of us; fairly often. We all do things such as:

  • You brush your feelings aside when you are hurt.
  • You say it's OK, when it really isn't
  • You keep going even when you are exhausted at the expense of your health. Why? Because it needs to get done.
  • You can get those flurries in the solar plexus chakra when challenged and quickly back down; saying you'll address this later and later never shows up.
  • Eat on the run; knowing that nothing eaten on the run is healthy either the food itself or for your digestive ease.

And so on.

Why do we do these things?

Bottom line, we wished to be liked, honored and most importantly loved. Even if that means we dis-honor ourselves. It's that innate craving that all humans desire; love. We even tell ourselves things such as 'If I wear this or that, I'm popular.' or 'If I make this kind of salary, I'll be honored and respected.' or ' If I'm thin, .... blah blah blah.' Well you can see where this is going. We've all done it and may still do to varying degrees. 

It's time to stop that practice. It's not healthy for you or any other relationship you are in; love, social, health, food, etc. By telling yourself these little white lies, you attract things you don't really desire; unfaithful relationships, a body that you don't like being in, beautiful clothes purchased but left hanging in the closet. 

Thank you Mercury!

We've got some really great energies going on at this moment; Mercury doing its dance and the last Blue Moon until 2020.

Take advantage of this very, very special time and chat with yourself. What are some of things that pop up in your heart (Raphael's chakra designation) that are not a true reflection of you?

Perhaps it is time to go through your closet with a fine eye and discerning hand. 

Perhaps it is time to go through the pantry and be rid of those foods that are dulling your energy vs. fueling your power.

Perhaps it is time to go through your various relationships and admit the ones that are draining you. In other words toxic. All relationships, in general fuel each person involved in it. Each relationship wavers as to who is 'leading', but in general it is a 50/50 blend of love; no matter if a friend, social media friend, family and most importantly your beloved.

In fact, a very dear friend and I have reconnected after ten years! Ten Years! We couldn't be happier. Who knows why we lost touch. That is immaterial. But she reached out and we haven't stopped chatting since. She is a friend of the highest caliber; she likes - no loves me for me - not what I may or may not do for her (that is under the toxic relationship arena).

Take Stock

The list and categories in your life can be longer than your arm. So this assignment via Raphael is not meant to overwhelm, but perhaps entice you to see what pops up that is ready to move on. This assignment is designed to empower you via letting go of something you don't desire thus allowing you to love yourself more.

The Result?

A more empowering YOU. A soul who is beginning to understand the power of Love Towards Self. A soul who is more confidently walking their talk with their head held high. 

You can now thank Mercury.




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