Angel Chatter Blog

The term Askfirmations is coming up a lot lately and since many of you may be new to my world, it was time to do an updated blog post to explain them and a short version of how they came...
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I have a serious question for you. Are you happy? I mean it, are YOU happy? Are you happy with your life's trajectory? Sure we all have ups and downs, but it's important to go UP more than go down,...
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Dearest ~ I do have a tricky question for you, so don't answer until you've given it some thought and can feel and own the answer deep within your soul. It's easy to say yes often and not give it...
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We have just gone through an energy grinder of sorts, and it’s not done yet. Energy Grinder? Two Eclipses, hence Eclipse Season Mercury Retrograde. While this has ended, the shadow period has not. Do not make any rash decisions! The...
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Aren’t you tired of hiding? Aren't you tired of hiding? I know I am. I've known for years the direction I am suppose to go; inspiring millions and taking steps forward in order to complete this lofty mission. I'll be...
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