Angel Chatter Blog

I've been reading and listening and so many of you are undergoing hiccups to say the least right now. Thank you Mercury. Before you chuckle, seriously THANK Mercury for this golden, and regular opportunity to catch your breath, reflect, and...
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Hygge. Such a funny little word, unless of course you are Danish and there, this word is embraced and actively sought after to incorporate into your life. What is Hygge? Loosely translated, hygge means coziness, contentment, and an overall feeling of...
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It's a simple question, Are you Relaxing or Fighting the Flow, but not so simple to answer most of the time. Do you feel the dilemma building just by attempting to honestly answer the question. Do you feel the conversation between...
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We are fast approaching the end of 2021 which of course means we are quickly approaching the year 2022. That's a lot of TWOS. I was in a client call last week. The Magdalene came through to remind us both...
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Boy does our world seem to BE going topsy turvy lately. That is an understatement I hear you mutter. It is. I'll not get into global events or even national ones, but looking at the very personal events. In my...
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