Angel Chatter Blog

Hopefully you missed me! We were gone for a week in the sun and honestly we were both so very tired that I knew any posting would turn out in gibberish. While away, many magical moments were encountered that I...
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Silver Lining
  I read a post online last week that has stuck with me. I'll paraphrase its sentiment, and it went something like this: If you have spent the previous year isolating due to the pandemic,  you gave up a year...
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How's Your Energy Lately?
  With 2020 behind us, YAY, and things beginning to loosen, how is your energy? Are you feeling tired, drained, edgy? If so, you are not alone; here's why: No Matter Where/What/How No matter your beliefs if COVID is real...
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How do you 'Click' In?
You know, there are many authors, teachers, and coaches out there.  MANY. What sets them apart? They are daring to BE authentic and true to themselves. Every time one is their true self, something within them clicks in. As each...
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Happy Women's Week, or better said  It's Goddess Week. I was curious about the revelation of Women's Week; where did it come from, when did it start, and so on.  The bit of research that I fell upon lead me...
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