Angel Chatter Blog

Lunar Eclipse Energy, November 2021
Get ready Chatterers! Things are shaking up in our and your world, as we speak.  There is a partial lunar eclipse this coming Friday, November 19, 2021. It is the longest viewing eclipse in, excuse the pun, many a moon....
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For 36+ years my husband and I frequently ask the other:   Are YOU Happy?   This may seem like a trivial question to ask, but when asked consciously and with an awareness, it can go deep. So I ask...
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What Schroeder taught me
Our Schroeder, alias Pasha, left us last weekend after infusing our lives with his energy for 16 years.  In case you were unaware, Schroeder was named after the Charlie Brown character of the same name.  Why? Simply because he was...
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Signs - Are you Paying Attention?
As you may know, we were on a much needed vacation last month to my old stomping grounds, The Eastern Shore of Delaware. Its pristine beaches, walking distance from the home we rented, were balm for four weary souls.  During...
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