What ARE Askfirmations Anyway?

What ARE Askfirmations Anyway? - Angel Chatter

The term Askfirmations is coming up a lot lately and since many of you may be new to my world, it was time to do an updated blog post to explain them and a short version of how they came to BE.

The Askfirmation Birthing

Years ago we had a young man living with us.

It was an impromptu arrangement and while a nice enough person, he had very heavy emotional and mental baggage. 

You see, he literally had no country that would claim him. His mother had desserted him as a baby after they moved to the United States. While having a permanent green card, he had no idea how to get his birth certificate to become a citizen and his father never thought to do so. Since we was now beyond the age of 18, it was seemingly impossible. 

He witnessed much sadness and abuse in his young life. Through that all he became of the mindset that the world was out to get him, so he best screw it first. 

His verbal talk would run the gambit akin to:

  • Why can't I keep a job?
  • Why does someone always have it out for me?
  • Why can't I get ahead?
  • Why can't I just be happy?

and well you get the idea.

I introduced him to affirmations; positive present-tense statements. 

He humored me by saying them and then would quickly roll his eyes. It doesn't take much to know affirmations would not work for him for there did not seem to be a morsel of belief anywhere within him. 

However, I did notice that his questions were manifesting exactly as he asked:

  • He changed jobs quicker than some would change their underwear and it was always at the fault of someone else.
  • He was always behind in his bills and using credit 'unwisely'.
  • He was miserable. He would have moments of happiness, but unfortunately they were indeed fleeting. No amount of 'momma love' could bring him out of it all.

Switching Tactics

Since he was literally creating a life based on the kinds of questions he was asking, it was time to change tactics. 

It dawned on me that one of the Laws of the Universe says I don't interpret your questions. I answer them literally

Meaning that if a question such as Why can't I keep a job? is asked, you will constantly lose jobs. Instead ask: Why is it so easy to have my dream job?

Easy = we love making things difficult for us, why not consciously add in ease as often as possible? Seriously, would you say, Why is it so hard for me to have my dream job?  Well of course you could, but that falls under 'Whiny Category' yet again, doesn't it? 

Ease it was.

I played with the wording. I tried it out myself. I kept asking and saw results; sometimes immediately and sometimes a gentle unfolding. 

However, the results were now becoming the kind of results that were desired all along. It was having enough awareness to now ask in the manner so the universe could provide what we desired and no more of the undesired. 

Results? Magical

The results of implementing Askfirmations was indeed magical. 

You see, when we ask a question whether it is internal or external, The Universe is listening.

It responds to what we have asked; literally. 

The results are so magical that after the book, Askfirmations was released the main Facebook Group, Angel Chatter, asked for a Daily Askfirmation Deck.

We complied. I polled the group and the results were once again magical. The ones the group members adored and found the most empowered then became part of the Daily Askfirmation Deck. 

I'm living proof of asking the right questions opens doors and lands you where you wish to BE. We are now living in our dreamiest of dream homes in THE perfect location; for us. 

I say Askfirmations daily . Every. Single. Day.

Are you ready to create your own magic? Hope so!

When you are ready, here's the link to learn more:

Click Here



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