Angel Chatter Blog

Manifestation Time
Manifesting is a buzzword like no other.  Law of Attraction Vision Boards Pretend Shop All are valid keys to assist in helping you to remember your true desires.  The key is YOU. What are YOU Manifesting? We are manifesting all...
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15 Coins
Here we are; one year since lockdown became a universal term that everybody got to experience.  As predicted, the ugly surfaced from within. Whether we wanted to, or not, our shadow side came out. Our fearful inner demons reared their heads. ...
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As we continue to navigate what this new way of existence means, having long ago come to the terms that things won't go back to 'normal,' you may be feeling a bit more isolated.  This is, unfortunately, is to be...
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Think about it, dear Goddess, can you BE soft in your power? In a nutshell? YES. However, so often, one, including you, mistake softness for weakness.  That mindset couldn't be further from the truth.  Preparing Let's face it, the world...
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