An Intro to Archangel Azrael, Angel of Transition

Boy does our world seem to BE going topsy turvy lately.
That is an understatement I hear you mutter.
It is.
I'll not get into global events or even national ones, but looking at the very personal events. In my circle:
- A student's husband died
- Another student has hit multiple 'weird' medical issues
- A dear friend has encountered other weird medical issues
- My brother in law left almost one year ago
Enter Azrael
Archangel Azrael
Azrael is often called The Angel of Death. I conversed with him quite a bit on this very topic for death scares many people. Its finality and the absence in the wake of someone leaving the earth plane.
It can be wretched and lonely. However, to not dwell upon that, but rather death as a Transition.
As Azrael shares with me,
What is death but transition? It is the leaving of one dimension, area, phase of life, and entering another.
Well when he puts it like that, not so scary after all.
I've Transitioned, You've Transitioned, We have ALL transitioned
Azrael's sense of humor entering:
- Have you not changed clothing sizes and styles? You transitioned
- Have you changed your eating habits? You transitioned
- Have you changed jobs or even careers? You transitioned
- What about your hair style? You transitioned
Get the drift? We have ALL transitioned.
Use our latest adventure, our physical move to a new home as an example:
We transitioned from living in a very lovely rental home to our forever home. The rental was lovely and we could have purchased it, but we knew early on it was not to BE our forever home. There were simply too many things that didn't exude our vibe and match our energy.
We put out in the universe our desires; what we really wanted in our home; light (energetically and literally), gardens, kitchen, soaking tub, and well you get the idea.
But we had to shift our sense of worthiness to vibe with our new desires. We had to raise our awareness to not only dream about it, but expect it to happen.
We had to transition our beliefs.
Over the five years we lived in our beauty of a rental we did just that. Azrael helped us ease out of the complacency and raise or uplevel what we expected.
Azrael reminded me and us, that dreaming and pining away for something to happen is quite different than expecting it.
We can daydream until the cows come home so to speak, but unless we shift/transition our sense of self to expect better, sadly it will be hard pressed to happen.
How to shift
This varies from person to person, but is very doable and one of the things I LOVE doing while working with clients and mentees.
It takes some deep work and yes even play!
It takes courage to step out of the comfort zone and really say YES to yourself.
It takes great LOVE of self to leave the comfort of complacency behind and boldly step forward to claim what is rightfully yours.
It takes BEing diligent daily and sending not only energy, but directives to the universe how you wish to experience life.
It takes living in The Art of Gratitude. When we are grateful for what is already in our life, and this cannot be stated enough, we naturally expect more for which we can BE grateful.
It takes living in The Art of Allowing. Allowing the magic to BE ever present in our lives, your life and live it as you desire, for you do deserve it and much more.
It take you stepping up.
When you are ready, let's chat.
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