Angel Chatter Blog

Space Clearing
It's a snowy day here in Williamsburg. The Christmas decor has been dismantled, stored and now is tucked away waiting for it's return much later this year.  Izzy, the latest winter storm here in the States, is quickly approaching. Music...
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Vision Board Time!
Happy New Year! Our minds naturally set to forward motion at this time of year and perhaps sprinkled with reflections of the past.  You wish to create a better life for self and those around you. You wish to experience life...
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How Are YOU Doing?
As we skip into the last holiday of the year and launch into the new year, The Year of Peace, how are you doing? I've chatted with my sister (a fellow goddess-preneur), clients, students, colleagues and even my mentor and...
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You made me cry
It has taken me a few weeks to process and own this story I'm about to share. It's going to BE a quick read, but hopefully give you a bit more insight to how I operate with The Divine. You...
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