Angel Chatter Blog

As some of you know, 2019 has been dubbed The Breakthrough Year by The Angels, aka The Gang. Every soul will experience their own personal Breakthrough. Can you imagine (not to quote John Lennon) every person BEing? Can you imagine...
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I've had a few clients in recent days reach out and ask... How Do I Clear My Space Energetically? While I coach clients all day long on this very topic and could be another book I was told during meditation...
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Gabi and I were out for one of our daily walks this week. This was so needed for us both and walk we did; over five miles by the time we returned home. Why was this walk needed more than...
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What is the definition of Maid, Mother and Crone? How do you label yourself?
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So many of you have written me privately and have also shared publicly how the current state of the world is affecting you emotionally, physically, mentally and of course spiritually. So I chatted with Archangel Raphael, the Angel of Healing,...
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