What Archangel Raphael has to say...

What Archangel Raphael has to say... - Angel Chatter

So many of you have written me privately and have also shared publicly how the current state of the world is affecting you emotionally, physically, mentally and of course spiritually. 

So I chatted with Archangel Raphael, the Angel of Healing, to find out what one can do and how it may be affecting you on these various levels. 


How the Energy Shifts are Affecting you Physically

In a nutshell; lethargy. Energy is beyond low, for you. Your brain says DO SOMETHING and your body is... meh.

Cravings for the comfort foods is higher than it has been. Eating the higher in carb loaded foods contributes greatly to the lethargy. Raphael is looking at me now and shaking his head in frustration. He has something to say on this:


Listen to what your body needs


What you think you need

What you think you need offers a bandaid of blanketing over your emotional rawness. Eat less, yes I said eat less. Your body is vibrating at a higher level as you approach the next dimension. By eating less, you are actually fueling your entire BEing more properly for this allows you to use your internal resources to kick into higher gear and support you better.

You must move your body. As easy as it may be to sit and DO nothing, this does not serve you or your body. Even if you only go for a quick walk. This does more for you than you may realize. Lethargy breeds lethargy. Move!

Love your body for what it does for you.

Love your body for how it has supported you.

Those acne marks, stretch marks, wrinkles and more contribute to your innate beauty. How about loving YOU for you and not pining away for something that was or may never be? 

In other words, no more laying in bed or wishing you could lay in bed with the covers pulled over your head until this blows over. It may not blow over for a while and by doing so, you slow or completely stall your own soul's advancement.

How the Energy Shifts are Affecting you Mentally

Talk about BEing confused, snarky and completely on edge!

This energy has hit you mentally as well. As an example, a massive earthquake (7.5) hit Indonesia on 9/27/18. Now you may not live anywhere near Indonesia, but as you are empathic, you felt Gaia's tremblings long before she erupted. These tremblings have contributed your mental facilities being on hyper overdrive and not understanding the source. 

Once again, I asked Raphael...

These energy surges as you call them are more than surges. It is part of the Ascension Process and because so many are still living in fear they immediately kick back and scream "Keep it the same!" and then moan and groan quickly about their life not being any better.

This becomes a vicious cycle of pining for different but doing nothing in order to facilitate the change. In fact often times one goes out of their way to keep the status quo.

How can this help you mentally? 

It can't.

One must be more proactive in their own soul development.

One must actively meditate daily.

This signifies to us that one is ready to expand and take on life in a more joyous and loving manner.

By meditating, one can clear their mental faculties more quickly and permanently while becoming more inspired within their personal life. Does it change the outward happenings in the world? Initially no. However, it does start within and your 100 Monkey Syndrome quickly morphs into more humans BEing which then of course shifts the consciousness into higher vibrating energies. 

How to meditate if you don't already? Check out YouTube. There are hundreds, nay thousands of guided meditations out there. One of these days, I'll upload a few myself... If you don't like one, go onto to another.

You may also find meditation classes in your area via a yoga studio, etc. Often times when first starting, it is helpful to have someone gently and lovingly guide you through until you are more confident in this practice.

Remember to call upon Big Mike for those protective energies first! No need to invite the lower energies in.

How the Energy Shifts are Affecting you Emotionally

The shifts are certainly hitting the emotional button as well. I've been getting teary at the drop of a hat lately. So much so my husband will ask, Where's a hat so you may now cry? While it may not sound very loving in his response, it gets me to laugh. One may logically go to the place that our daughter is getting married next month and well, if you've a child to get married, you know how emotionally charged the event is!

So yes, it could be those wedding bells, but it is much more than that. Raphael, what say you?

Your emotional well BEing is certainly being tested at the moment. You know the difference between right and wrong, but so many things 'get in your way' that seem to prevent you. 

Heed the two suggestions above; proper food and meditation.

Those combined will offer great support to you mentally and immediately begin to shift your emotional outlook not only in your personal world, but beyond. 

One of the key acts you may do is Acts of Self Love.

These are the Acts frequently recommended to help you not only relax, but refuel and recharge your entire BEing. Emotional included. 

It is any Act you perform for yourself that once complete helps you feel more centered and clear minded. It may include a massage, yoga class, walk in nature, reading a book that broadens your horizons (in other words, not junky 'fun' books), but ones that offer a more profound meaning of the universe. 

Get your mind engaged in more joy-filled activities only helps to uplift you emotionally. What activity uplifts you?


Well it looks like I'll be making a massage appointment later today and committing to yoga classes next week. Time to get back in the swing of things of putting me in the To Do list as well. 

How the Energy Shifts are Affecting you Spiritually

How can you trust anything out there at the moment? In many ways it seems the world is going to Hell in the proverbial Hand Basket so how can one trust why this is a good thing?

Oh Archangel Raphael, Angel of Healing?

Once again it is part of the Ascension Process.

Yes, I know many of you have been hearing of this process for decades and you think the masses ought to be there by now.

Not true, obviously. If you had all collectively accomplished this, we would not be now having this conversation. 

Many of you have lovingly stepped forward to assist others in the process through coaching, readings, healings (via akashic records, energy, crystals, etc.) You are a leader and as such must heed these warnings in order to assist others.

However, you may take solace in the knowledge that it is happening. How can you be certain? For the lower energies are fervently working now, more than ever, to keep you stuck and living in a state of fear. 

No more.

Now is the time for you to call upon us more often.

Now is the time for you to call upon the Ascended Masters.

Now is the time for you to use all the tools you have at hand and those offered to you to stop the madness. 

You are a warrior. Warriors can get weary which is why I am addressing the spiritual aspect last. I have offered you tools above. Here is the last one:

Place your hands over your heart.

Listen to your heartbeat.

This is your soul speaking.

Quietly listen. What else does it have to share? All messages received from the soul are the truth. Fear has no place in truth.

Listen with Love.



Now apparently is the time to shed the bed linens, go for a walk and mediate with your soul. Who will join me? I shall also be lighting his candle today and wearing my Ariel Angel Glow medallion for courageous healing.

Like what you've read? Please share across the world. I do believe all could benefit from this message. 





  • Nancy

    I needed that message!! Thanks for sharing it with all of us!! I feel a little stronger!!😊

  • Ligia

    Didn’t expect an answer, I was trying to get a # to get a reading. I am in Awe!
    Grateful, what a blessing I just received.

  • Vicki Simpson

    Thank you and Raphael so much. The world just seems so topsy-turvy lately…. I feel like we’re just splintering apart instead of coming together. I see it in my family and in the groups I belong to. I’m trying to find some positivity and I can’t even find it within myself lately… I’ll be re-reading this a few times.

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