Yearly Theme - 2019 is THE Breakthrough Year! Yes, this means you

Yearly Theme - 2019 is THE Breakthrough Year! Yes, this means you - Angel Chatter

As some of you know, 2019 has been dubbed

The Breakthrough Year

by The Angels, aka The Gang.

Every soul will experience their own personal Breakthrough. Can you imagine (not to quote John Lennon) every person BEing? Can you imagine every soul shining? Can you imagine the possibilities?

What is a 'Breakthrough'?

Great question. A breakthrough is saying YES to you. 

A Breakthrough is living a life that is more expansive vs. restrictive. 

A Breakthrough is BEing supported. 

A Breakthrough is BEing recognized for your innate talents by the world at large. Does this mean each soul is going to waltz down the red carpet and have their name in lights? Of course not. However by BEing recognized for your innate talents gathers to you your tribe, your peeps, your fellow Freak Flag Holders.

Your Breakthrough is YOU LOVING YOU. One tends to add phrases such as 'more purely', 'more deeply', 'unconditionally', but doesn't that go against the very essence of Love? Love IS pure. Love IS deep. Love IS unconditional. 

By Loving YOU, you say YES.

By Loving YOU, you experience your Breakthrough.


How to Experience Your Breakthrough in 2019

I don't do resolutions. Really. I feel like a failure when they are not accomplished and that kinda goes against my grain of thinking; disempowerment. Instead I latch onto one word for the year that greatly assists me in making decisions.

My word for this year is this:


IF I am to have my Breakthrough on the personal as well as soul mission front, I must BE proactive in creating those dreams. Even if one wishes to win the lottery, they gotta play! Hence proactive - buy that ticket!

I do take proactive a bit deeper. Is this idea, product, thought, action in alignment with me? I ask my soul by placing my hands over my heart. When my heart expands and does a proverbial Happy Dance, I know it is in alignment with me.

If, however, all goes quiet; flatline so to speak, then I know it is not meant for me. This does not mean it is a bad idea. It's just not one for me personally or professionally. 

Give it a whirl for yourself.

Chose Your Yearly Word Theme

Yes, this is indeed mine. Make a Meme for yours too! By concentrating and 'hearting' on this one word daily will help in more ways than you may imagine. By making it a Meme, you can then share, make it a screen saver and more. This allows you to see daily and remind you of what your priority is to you for the entire year. 
By making it a Meme, you are reminded to put YOU first. Remember, as Chamuel, The Angel of Self Love, is known to say - 
"Loving Yourself FIRST is not selfish, it is imperative."
How will you ever experience your Breakthrough IF you are busy tending to others all the time? This goes to another blog post forthcoming - how it took us over six years to go on a real vacation. Yes, Yes, YES, practice what I say, not do... but that vacation cemented so much within us that our lives have shifted greatly because of it. 

I'm Here to Help YOU

Y'all know what I do; write, hold sacred space in private sessions, weekends and more. How may I help you? If not sure, reach out via email and let's see how I may assist you to experiencing multiple Breakthroughs in 2019.

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