Space Clearing 101

Space Clearing 101 - Angel Chatter

I've had a few clients in recent days reach out and ask... 

How Do I Clear My Space Energetically?

While I coach clients all day long on this very topic and could be another book I was told during meditation this morning to write this in hopes of helping you clear your space and prepare for 2019; The Breakthrough Year.

Why Do Spaces Need Clearing?

I know you clean or have your home cleaned. That is clean. Mr. Clean clean. However, energy is a completely different ball of wax.

Let's make it a bit more abstract. Have you ever avoided a place simply because it didn't feel good? On the flip side, have you flocked to a location simply because it felt yummy?

That's energy. People, buildings, animals and yes the even land hold energy. Who doesn't love feeling clean? Buildings, animals and land are no different and love BEing cleared of what is not serviceable. Think of a building, or any room in a building. It is typically those blessed corners; that stagnant energy is birthed. If left to its own devices the stagnancy builds and creeps into the space that is used. By the time it gets into a space and becomes noticeable, it becomes more difficult clear and to feel good in this space. 

How do you know if your space requires clearing? Here are some clues that your space is in need of cleaning:

  • It just plain feels yucky
  • It has a smell that is not pleasant and no amount of cleaning gets rid of it
  • You can't focus, in fact you feel very scattered
  • Burglary
  • Restless, sleep deprived and yet can't sleep
  • Ahem, discussions aka arguments have increased
  • Your pets avoid certain parts of your home

 And so on. 

All of these are lower energy indicators that at minimum have you stuck in your current state of affairs and can certainly lead to worse. Much worse.

Before you go rushing off to various corners to clear, keep in mind that lower/stagnant energy can land in a very prominent area of your home as well. In fact just recently a portal of crap emerged in our home. The location? At the bottom of the stairs leading into the kitchen. This location is like Grand Station; one goes through it several times daily. Therefore, it certainly did not pop up due to lack of energy. But pop up it did. 

It smelled. It smelled so bad that a new litter box was purchased (the thinking was the plastic had absorbed the odors over the years) Didn't work. With the wedding, shows, clients, etc. I didn't pay close attention; my bad. So it grew in power and size. Oops.

Don't rush off to buy sage! I don't use it at all these days with the exception of the fire ceremonies with private weekend clients.

Why I do NOT use Sage

We lived in a beautiful home years ago in the Baltimore area. The original house had burned to the ground (first clue we ought not to have taken it). The original owners had divorced, neighbors thought them 'weird', well you get the idea. Luckily for us, we were renting.

Very lucky.

From Day One my daughter and I heard voices from the woods behind the house that were shall we say, not pleasant. Neither of us would go out the back willingly at night. I planted crystals in the backyard in hopes to build a wall of energy to prevent the infiltration, but little did we know they were already in the house and deeply embedded.

I was still somewhat green behind the ears and did what I had done before; I saged the house.

Oh boy.

The house did feel better; however, only for one or two days at best and then all hell would break loose. Arguments, more voices and getting work done on any level was a nice idea that never happened. Honestly it got worse than that, but won't bore you with the details. 

It was then that I learned that sage can feed certain energies. YES, feed. 

LUCKILY I had also just created the aromatherapy line and began to implement the energies of the Violet Flame courtesy of the Zadkiel Candle and honestly have not looked back since.

How to Clear your Space

There are many thoughts on space clearing and some situations clearly call for an expert and more tools. However, below is how I operate and it works for us. 

First, this is not a ceremony that can be rushed or done in 20 minutes. Allow as much time as needed for your space. Quiet your mind and BEcome centered. If you bring anxiety to the ceremony, you will create more anxiety, etc. Play music, work in silence; whatever is best for you.

  1. Call on Big Mike to surround you and your space with protective energies.
  2. Grab two of my candles; Zadkiel for the Transmutative Energies AND another angel candle based on the intention for that space; healing, self love, harmony, etc. Why two? I admit, I'm lazy. IF the angels can work on my behalf while I'm clearing, why not?!
  3. Start on the top most floor (this includes your attic if accessible)
  4. Go to the 'far left corner' (this is based on your front door's location).
  5. Start in the far left corner of that room.
  6. Light the Zadkiel Candle.
  7. Light your Intention Candle and place as close as possible in the center of the room.
  8. Working in a counter clockwise motion. Linger or move as quickly as your soul guides you. 
  9. IF it has been a while since your space has been cleared, open all drawers, closets, cabinetry, etc and clear those as well - lower energies love to hide. 
  10. As you work in a counter clockwise pattern, use your hands, feathers or other tools to direct the Zadkiel candle's energy up, down, etc. It is not silly if you feel guided to do so. 

Once that room is complete, repeat the pattern for every other room in your space. Always work in a counter clockwise motion; room to room and within each room.

Why counter clockwise? Think of it as unwinding the energy. Once the top floor is complete, repeat the pattern on any other level, always working downward.

What Kind of Results Can You Expect from Space Clearing?

In a nutshell; pristine, expansive calming and empowering energies. 

As an example, years ago one of our daughters was at the beach house ahead of me. She was working on the day I arrived.

WOW I think, she cleaned the house. 

I thanked her profusely when she came home. Mom, all I did was clear the space

It's that powerful. 

How Often Do You Need to Clear Your Space?

The answer to that is as varied as all those reading this post. 

Company? Clear within 24 hours of their departure.

Client work? Clear weekly at minimum; ideally daily. You and your clients will be giddy. 

Holidays? Double up! Before and after company arrivals.

Trauma? Clear.

Trauma locally, regionally, nationally, internationally that has affected you? Clear. 

Sidebar prior to Space Clearing - Clutter Clearing

I'm a Clutter Clearing Nut so we don't often have loads of stuff to get rid of. However, with multiple moves under our belt, when it is time to clutter clear, this is the practice that works for me:

  1. Light the Zadkiel candle in the room I am tackling.
  2. Leave said room for a good 30 minutes or more. As I doing something else in our home, Zadkiel is quick to work and easily begins pointing out the various clothing, decor items, books etc. that need a new home.

Since Zadkiel is metaphorically fluffing up the unwanted energy, it becomes less painful to be rid of articles that are not serving us. I am better able to dis-engage from the emotional tie (grandma gave this to me kind of thing); knowing that I will always love grandma and I don't need it to prove my love for her.

I create a few piles; trash, keep, donate. The donation can also be a sell pile if we are so inclined to make a few bucks. I then make a call to a local donation center for a pick up and since I am still a Good Girl at heart and not desiring to disappoint, there is a pile waiting for them on pickup day. 

Once the room is clear of all clutter, I then commence with the Space Clearing. It can frequently lead to wall painting, window cleaning, moving around the decor making the space feel more spacious, welcoming and protected. 

Where to start? I start with a quiet room; a room that is not frequently used. That way I can go visit this new yummy energy and it encourages me to continue with the rest of our home. 

I hope fervently that this blog has opened your eyes and soul and has prompted you to Clear Your Space!


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