Angel Chatter Blog

As you know, I'm a self appointed Good Girl. While it is a badge worth wearing, it's not worth owning. Why? BEcause it can hold one back. If a goddess totally embraces her Good Girl persona, well then, she must always...
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As the eldest and only child for seven years and the 'girl'... I adopted and embraced the essence of Good Girl for decades. You know, the girl who says yes because she has too out of obligation. The good girl who...
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Are we in for a treat on March 20, 2019! Yes, we have yet another full moon. Yes, we have yet another SuperMoon BUT wait there's more - it all happens on the Spring Equinox! March SuperMoon News As many...
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The response from last week's post was lovely. So many of you reached out privately and asked if I had been in your head and following you around.... Your response prompted a follow up of more simple tricks you could do...
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Haven't you ever felt that there was so much going on and you didn't know which way to turn? You may not know which way to turn, but kept going. All the while the weight of the world continued to...
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