How Are YOU Doing?

As we skip into the last holiday of the year and launch into the new year, The Year of Peace, how are you doing?
I've chatted with my sister (a fellow goddess-preneur), clients, students, colleagues and even my mentor and guess what?
We are all categorically weary.
Social Media wore you down. As you scroll through social media, no matter your 'poison' of choice, you are being exposed into loads of not necessarily uplifting material. Unless of course you are part of our sacred community on Facebook, Angel Chatter. (consider this a loving invite if you are not part of our community).
COVID has worn you down. I have heard from so many that they are tired of masks (were we ever really excited about wearing them?). With each new wave of variants folks end up arguing, scrambling and more to keep safe or
whatever they have chosen to do. What is safe to participate in, do I ...? To vax, not vax, boost or not? Just to set the record straight, my entire family is tripled vaxed.
Politics have worn you down. Can't anyone play nice on the playground any more?
What To Do
Before I get into how you may help yourself via The Gang's sage advice, I'll ask again:
- How are you sleeping?
- How are you eating? Grabbing for copious amount sugar these days or eating healthily?
- How are you moving? Do you feel tension from within as in sore or tight muscles?
Remember Dearest, it is not a race and I hate to break it to you, there is no award for accomplishing a huge load of stuff daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.
No award. No blue ribbon. No trophy for showing up. Not even a pat on the back.
So try to stop doing it all. YES you can BE all you desire, but nobody said it had to get done today.
Take your time. Take a walk on the wild side. Sip a lovely cuppa of hot tea and actually have a conversation with a loved one. Remember, today is a present.
Can you now perhaps see how you have been pushing yourself in order to stay afloat, get ahead or even avoid the energies surrounding you?
Your Call To ActionS
Yes, there is a capital 'S' at the end of Your Call to ActionS.
This is not to throw more To Dos at you in the form of busywork. But to offer ways you can slow down and remember your greatness and how much you already have accomplished.
Step One
I assigned this beauty to the students of The BE You Program just this week and from the looks of it, they are loving it!
It's rather simple, but something not to rush. It's best you have an acountability partner; however, you certainly have our sacred community on Facebook to share and I highly encourage you to do so.
Set aside some time, this is not something to rush through. The longer you sit with this, the more you realize how far you've come and how much you have already accomplished.
Write down a list starting with the phrase WOW, I did this!
Then have at it. BE proud of what you've done in the past year up to five years.
I'll be shocked if you don't impress yourself.
After you feel the list is as complete as possible in this moment, SHARE!
Step Two
Take a time out.
Seriously. Take a time out.
Make it a game if you must.This will be especially effective if you have a competitive streak.
How long can you dis-engage from social media until January 1, 2022?
How much time can you spend in silence; no TV, no YouTube, no TikTok running in the background. This silence offers you ample time to reconnect with you; the greatest gift of all.
How much time can you spend in nature? This is not leaning towards a camping trip, but go for it if called! but how much time daily can you spend outside? Just last week I spent five hours in the garden! Of course it helped greatly given the temperature was close to 70 degrees. I finished looking rather troll like; covered in dirt head to toe, but the biggest grin ever. Why? I was grounded, present and in LOVE with life.
How can you pamper yourself every single day? Of course given you are challenging yourself daily with this task, the activity does not have to BE the same. As an example, next week I shall be going to the chiropractor, getting my hair cut and have queries out for a nice long massage. I will also be back to slaying monsters on my Nintendo Switch Game, painting a room, or two (this really is relaxing for me!), and catching up on some reading; lots of reading.
Your turn.
How will you pamper yourself daily? Let us start The Year of Peace off on the right wing and thanks to Chamuel, The Angel of Self Love, begin to put ourselves first so we can then take better care of others.
The Year of Peace
As mentioned above, 2022 is The Year of Peace. The Divine Feminine has most definitely risen and is joining forces with the Divine Masculine. Combined they create a beautiful balance; peace. No competition. All collaboration.
Remember yourself in the coming days and what you need to do for you. You will enjoy whatever holiday activity beckons you much more if already feeling fulfilled.
For now I wish you stars in your eyes, great love in your heart for self and all of humanity, joy that has others wondering what you are up to, and the manifestation of your soul's desires in the coming months ahead.
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