Angel Chatter Blog

I recently received a comment to a recent blog post and while I am not quoting directly, her query was akin to: My heart resides in 5D But my mind is 3D I so want to take up a sword...
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Have you ever played small? Go on, admit it, you know you have: You have: Worn an outfit so you didn’t stand out Didn’t raise your hand so others could shine and let’s face it, not cool to be a...
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God I LOVE what I do; chatting with angels, The Magdalene, and more. Just this morning a new angel appeared during a mentee's session: Tzaphkiel Tzaphkiel appeared this morning as we were setting up a crystal grid for her to meditate...
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I won't lie, I got this brilliant topic post from one of my students. That's the way inspiration works. How often will you own up to the fact that you step into Overthinkitis? 'Fess up. What is Overthinkitis? An inflammation...
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BE aware, mini rant incoming. I am quite aware that this may cost me some followers, group members, and friends. While not OK, as a consummate Good Girl, but at times someone needs to speak the truth while harsh, it...
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