Angel Chatter Blog

The Magdalene’s Sigil
We’re connected, The Magdalene and I, and hope you are beginning to understand a bit of the depth of our relationship.  It’s powerful.  I had the great blessing of visiting her basilica a few years back and purchased a reliquary...
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The Wisdom of The Magdalene
If the world is still talking about someone who walked the earth over 2,000 years ago, you may want to lean in and listen to what they say. Just sayin’. As you hopefully are beginning to understand better the relationship...
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Walk Two Moons
My heart is heavy now. The world seems like it has turned upside and not much makes sense.  How are you faring through it all?  Have you noticed that others and perhaps you are relatively quick to judge lately? I...
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No, I am not suddenly using poor English as in ‘dat.’  Da’at is the void, the expansion, the nothingness within the Tree of Life.  How it started Like most events, this exploration into Data started innocently enough.  With a client. ...
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The Web of Deceit
  A few weeks back, you were reminded to check your ego at the door and listen to your heart. Did you listen?   It’s happening now. You are being offered an opportunity to release from a web that has...
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