Angel Chatter Blog

What is the first image that comes to mind when the word Crone is shared? So often, it is that wicked witch deep in the woods ready to eat Hansel and Gretel. Or the witch tempting Snow White...
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Yeah But Let’s get real, in a loving way, of course. You want change in your world, right? Me too. I see you. Isn’t it somewhat ironic, however, that when the very thing that could bring us out of the slump,...
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Today, yes, today, October 12, my husband and I celebrate our 37th wedding anniversary! All those naysayers who thought we wouldn’t make it? Here’s the Bronx cheer just for you ;) We are not boasting about our marital success but...
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Wow, we are in such powerful times. Just this week, the students of The BE You Program and I were chatting in our twice-monthly LIVE. The topic of family disputes came up. I shared something rather personal; a 40-year relationship...
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I’m so grateful to have found and embraced this sentiment, thanks to The Gang. I remember I played small just to be perhaps included in their cliques! Even though the others danced in fear, I allowed their fear to...
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