Angel Chatter Blog

Living in Fear
I am so grateful these days to share more of the real me! It wasn’t always this way. I did a brilliant job of camouflaging, being the perfect wallflower, and saying what an executive’s wife should (oh, that evil word,...
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What is your home’s name?
Seriously, what is the name of your home? If you don’t know, keep reading. If you do know, SHARE!   I’m so grateful to know ours, Prossy. I won’t bore you with how we got there and what her name...
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Magic IS in the Air!
Today contains GREAT Magic The magic started as soon as we opened the door to embark on our morning walk, Zeke and I. On our doormat was a beautiful butterfly, catching its breath. I’m so thrilled Thuriel (Angel of Animals)...
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How do you define Surrender?
Surrender is loosely defined as ceasing resistance. How much are you attempting to change by yourself? I’m going to go out on a limb and say pretty much.  You are most likely juggling your Homelife, job, business (if you are a goddess-preneur),...
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