Angel Chatter Blog

Have you ever noticed that when you meet a new person, potential friend, that we will start off asking what they DO? We immediate label them; entrepreneur, stay at home parent, garbage collector, plumber, angel goddess, etc. That label stays...
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This Sunday, February 26, 2017, we have another whammy event: New Moon combined with a Solar Eclipse. You may say 'SHAZAM' now. Many of you are already feeling the energy build; perhaps you have felt a web or veil covering...
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What a shift, an Angel Goddess chatting football? Kinda sorta Thanks to my Honey, I got an article about the Patriots Quarterback, Tom Brady, with the headline: I'm Not Going to Give Away My Power WOW! The article goes on...
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The angels have nudged me to chat about empathy. What I have come to understand is that ALL are sensitive, but not all are empathic. Webster defines empathy as: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another As with...
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Valentines Day is one of those 'funny' little, not so little holidays. Folks scramble to get cards to express tokens of love. Purchase gifts, flowers and so much more! Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE getting gifts; flowers, cards...
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