Labels, oh how we succumb

Have you ever noticed that when you meet a new person, potential friend, that we will start off asking what they DO?
We immediate label them; entrepreneur, stay at home parent, garbage collector, plumber, angel goddess, etc.
That label stays and if we don't like what we hear either through fear or judgment (also fear) we look for an escape route. 'They are not our peeps!'
How often have you called some other driver an idiot (or worse)? True, they may not be driving consciously, but perhaps they just got bad news and are rushing to a loved ones side. Perhaps a relative is going into labor. Perhaps...
We've all done it, don't lie. We've all experienced it. I remember a neighborhood gathering a few years back that included a buffet dinner and a chance for the entire neighborhood to gather - they ALL came! As a couple sat down next to me on the couch, they asked the most popular question, 'What do you do?'
Another friend started chuckling and said, 'I LOVE to watch folks faces when you tell them.' I rolled my eyes and shared; very briefly.
They looked at each other and could not leave the couch fast enough.
'Nuf said?
It's gotten to the extreme lately; social media is a 'safe place' to body shame or shame another that is not of your ilk. THAT'S shameful... Not bothering to know of another's history, what gets THEM juiced up, how do they BE (vs. DOing) before throwing those judgment rocks.
Here's a new challenge for you:
Initially, just notice how often you label folks; fat, slovenly, gorgeous, nerdy, etc. I just finished reading a auto-biography of sorts written by Marilyn Monroe. My Story. It takes this blog post (which ironically I've been playing with for over one month) and succinctly shares how she was labeled from her perspective and not really given the chance to BE. Once you notice how often society labels and then bring it down on how often you label, you just may be in for an awakening.
No judgment - REALLY! It is what it is. However, now BEing a bit more enlightened, how can you switch it up? May I suggest you chat with Zadkiel. He will help to clear the kaka of labels so you may see the truth.
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