The Day of Love

Valentines Day is one of those 'funny' little, not so little holidays. Folks scramble to get cards to express tokens of love. Purchase gifts, flowers and so much more! Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE getting gifts; flowers, cards and even the obligatory box of chocolate. In fact, we're going out tonight for dinner - while not a rare event, it is rather rare on the holiday itself. In fact, part duex - we got engaged on this very day - MANY years ago. So yes, we love this holiday, but carry its message year round as best we can.
I did a bit of research on the history of this Day of Love. I did know it originated as a Feast Day for some saint called Valentines or Valentinus. What I did not know, until a few short moments ago was St. Valentinus was imprisoned for performing weddings and administering to Christians. While imprisoned, he healed the daughter of one of his jailers and just before he was executed, sent her a card signed 'Your Valentine'. Chaucer sealed the deal in the 14th Century by focusing it more on romantic love. The cards that were sent at that time? They were called Valentines. Well there ya go... it's all about love baby!
Fast forward to modern times....
Why is so much emphasis put on this one particular day to express love? Why don't more take advantage of the other 364 days of the year to do so? Why has this holiday survived centuries?
We love LOVE. We all wish to be loved. We crave it. We yearn for it. So much so that we, over time, can morph into being someone else in the hopes that somebody will love us. Please stop trying to morph. BE you. Sure get dressed up for dates. Put your best foot forward. Smile, laugh and more. but BE you.
When you are YOU, the world and universe recognize this. When you are YOU, you begin to feel more comfortable literally in your skin and don't go after some new craze to make you more handsome or prettier or both. When you are YOU, you walk more confidently. When you are YOU, your smile is magnetic. Folks take you more seriously. They lean in to hear what you have to say. Yelling from the rooftops of who you are is a thing of the past. You wear clothes that suit you and your dynamic personality.
Why? Because you are on the journey of loving yourself deeply, profoundly, purely.
Here's a little secret I've learned and am certainly still expanding upon; when you love yourself, it matters less what others think of you, for the friends you have are true friends. When you love yourself more, you take life less seriously and have more fun. When you love yourself more, it's more than A-Ok to laugh at yourself for you know you're not perfect. When you love yourself more, others love you right back.
Continue on your Daily Acts of Self Love under the guidance of Archangel Chamuel. Let me know how you are faring. Some of the feedback I've gotten lately is that folks are more emotional. That's not surprising, you are opening the gift that you've kept hidden for much too long. The gift known as you.
Here's to LOVE!
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