Angel Chatter Blog

What Coronavirus is Teaching me Part Nine
Who hasn't felt their waistline, ahem slightly expanding since in quarantine? I'm no different.  BEing a very Type A person I was 'determined' to emerge BEtter, healthier, lighter and exhibiting firmer muscles. HA! Foolish dreams. Stage One I researched. What...
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Isn't It Time?
Isn't it time to stop lying? Isn't it time to Speak Your Truth? Even if speaking your truth means some relationships go adrift. Isn't it time you began living a life you are excited about? Read on to take the first step.
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Good Girls Can Be Tenacious, but first...
As you know, I'm a self appointed Good Girl. While it is a badge worth wearing, it's not worth owning.  Why? BEcause it can hold one back. If a goddess totally embraces her Good Girl persona, well then, she must always...
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