Tom Brady

Tom Brady

What a shift, an Angel Goddess chatting football? Kinda sorta

Thanks to my Honey, I got an article about the Patriots Quarterback, Tom Brady, with the headline:

I'm Not Going to Give Away My Power


The article goes on about empowerment and allowing others, or not, to take yours. 

"I don't want to give my power away to other people by letting my own emotions be subjected to what their thoughts or opinions are. If someone calls me something, that's their problem. It's not my problem. I'm not going to give away my power."

On the flip side of that scenario:

"You start giving your power away to other people, it's a tough life."

'Nuf said? If you have been with me for a bit, I've used words and phrases very similar to this. I encourage you to be YOU. Fly that Freak Flag HIGH! Remember, we are ALL human and therefore gloriously imperfect. All attack life from a different perspective as a result of life experiences. When others call us names, it most typically is through jealousy, insecurity and certainly fear. Unfortunately I've had my share and I'm sure you have had as well. That's just part of our human adventure. Learning to BE.

Haven't we all succumbed to what other's thought of us? Especially from those we held in high regard? Especially when those thoughts may have given us permission to not go after our very dreams because deep down we were a bit afraid ourselves? Things like, 'how are you going to make money doing that?' or the classic as it pertains to me, 'You chat with angels? (silence) Oh my look at the time, gotta run. Nice chatting with you.' While not derogatory, it certainly isn't an empowering statement and gave me permission for many a year to stay hidden.

We all have fallen prey to allowing other's thoughts to dictate what we do or don't do. I mean it took me YEARS to come out of the closet and proudly state what I do and don't care much what others think about it any more. Why? Because I LOVE what I do; working with clients, creating and all through the help of The Gang.

On the other hand, have you ever had an AHA Moment and not allowed those words to take hold? You kinda got tired of hiding and being submissive? You kinda got fed up with doing what's expected and being put in a box to make others comfortable. You kinda knew it wasn't real.

You quietly or loudly said ENOUGH! At that moment, you stood taller and did what needed to be done for you with greater conviction. You took that first step no matter how scary it felt. You started to share with others your dream. The circle may have been small at the onset, but grew as your inner circle said, 'It's about time!' Didn't you feel all the better for it afterwards? Didn't your smile expand ten-fold.

Of course it did. That is just one reminder of a time gone by when you stood in your power. It's time for the Big Stand In Your Power Moment.

NOW is that time more than ever. NOW is the time to FLY high. NOW is the time for you to SHINE. NOW is the time for you to BE YOU. It's a BIG deal to dance your dance. A very big deal, but it's time Chatterer. Why the urgency? Well truth be told, we're not getting any younger. Do you wish to live life longer at being unhappy or happy? 

I'll choose happy every single time. 

Why not chat with Archangel Uriel, The Angel of Safety. He will help to shine a variety of ways you can step more firmly into your power with greater conviction and joy. Also use the Askfirmation courtesy of him:

Why is it safe for me to be me?

and remember to allow The Gang to answer you in magical and yet profound ways. This is just one of many steps that you will take to reclaim YOU.

Welcome Home to you.



Article Credit:

Photo credit: Associated Press

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