Angel Chatter Blog

Gabi and I take regular walks in the woods that I have dubbed Magical Walks. As we prepare to leave home, I pose a question for The Gang (aka the angels) that I wish them to answer while we are...
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There appears to be great upheaval right now. Great upheaval not only globally, but it has trickled down to personal lives as well. What is real? What is necessary? WHY am I here? These are questions I've been pummeled with...
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As our lives seem to getting busier and busier, it becomes easier and easier to lose touch with the archangels, angels, The Gang. By the time we realize it has slipped away, we forget how to get it back and...
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It's that time again, Mercury is doing is figuratively dance backwards in retrograde. While often times all things electronic can go haywire, it can also greatly contribute to miscommunications with others. Let's take it a step further in this Year of...
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There are many ways to clear your tarot and oracle deck(s). Did you know the Angel Chatter Oracle Deck does not require clearing? Read on for more!
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