What are YOUR Roots?

Gabi and I take regular walks in the woods that I have dubbed Magical Walks. As we prepare to leave home, I pose a question for The Gang (aka the angels) that I wish them to answer while we are out and about. Sometimes I get direct answers. For example while working on the Authorization Course section on Sandalphon and he decided he wished to discuss the kabbalah. Other time
I typically share our adventure with our Facebook Group (if you are not yet a member, you are now lovingly invited to join us in sacred space - Angel Chatter). It finally dawned on me that as I take pictures to later share in our group, that the pictures seem to carry a theme; a message if you will. How's that? I simply appear to be drawn to taking certain kinds of pictures on any given day.
Last week's walk was no different; I asked for clarity as we left home. We entered the woods near our home and I was immediately drawn to the roots of trees. Roots that were exposed. Roots that created beautiful art. Roots that simply chose to BE. I photographed many and are sharing a few here.
What are YOUR Roots?
As this realization finally dawned on me - Magical Walks with Themes... I asked, what do tree roots have to do with anything? How do they help me with the clarity request that I asked.
Sandalphon, The Angel of Grounding, was quick to respond:
Think of the roots as a metaphor.
What is a common theme for you and your business, Angel Chatter?
What do you keep repeating, and approaching in a variety of ways? In other words, what do you keep circling back to?
He then asked the final question:
What do you stand for?
Roots as the Base
He then began a tutorial of sorts.
As most plants grow, they require a strong root system to help support them as they BEcome more powerful, strong and flexible when the wild winds blow. This is pretty universal. True there are some plants that don't require this - air plants for example, don't necessarily require much in order for them to thrive, but that is definitely not the norm.
Humans are much the same. They require strong roots the can enable them to be grounded in their truth while soaring.
Think of a seed. Any seed will do. The seed must be planted in fertile soil in order to germinate and grow, correct? The fertile soil nourishes the seed as it spreads its roots allowing this plant to BEcome what it is meant to be.
Humans are no different. Those seeds can be representative of desires; how one wishes to live life. Fertile soil is the heart. Seeds require nurturing. They can easily fed though Acts of Allowing. BEing proactive in nourishing these seeds; as ideas are conceived, the heart expands, eyes can become watery, the body responds with those beautiful confirmation chills. One can envision those desires to completion, the finished products whether it is living in a new locale and how, to hearing the whisperings of a loved one's words, to see that project in its entirety. We hug those smiles close as we see it birthing. Those smiles is one of the many ways a YES is recorded that says you LOVE this idea and are claiming it.
By saying YES the desires get nourished and then work begins. Allowing play time AND work time to encourage those seeds to reality. Others are allowed to step in for support and share their expertise. The Art of Allowing BEgins.
We BEcome.
The Root of it ALL
Sandalphon continued:
As most humans go, each soul is drawn to a specific area of life. Whether called to BE an Accountant, Angel Goddess, Chef, Inventor, Coach, etc. one keeps going back to it. However, as each evolves and experiences life, how the desires are addressed changes and alters to reflect where each person is now in their life.
Our roots may spread from the base. They may spread far from the base. They may latch onto something magnificent and yet... they all come back to the center, which of course is you.
What do you keep going back to?
I hearted on this... YES, hearted vs. thought.
Inspring and empowering others that has been the common factor for decades. Waaaay back in 7th grade I said I wished to be a psychologist. I ended up at court reporting school, so obviously did not listen to the whisperings of my heart instead listened to a guidance counselor who had no clue.
Another story for another time.
However, I did attend college for few years with the intention of psychology. This was a good 15 years after high school. I went back to my roots of helping others. I still didn't complete that program, but rather studied a bevy of other ways to listen, inspire and empower others. I circled back, but since I had evolved quite a bit since 7th grade, the catalyst to help others also morphed. Becoming a truer reflection of who I am and how I wish to live. I trained in Soul Coaching™ and various forms of healing modalities and Angel Chatter was born.
Where do your roots lay?
Our roots may go all over the place and yet they still lovingly lead back to us, the center. We may seemingly go off track, but is it really?
Each journey, each segue contributes to who each person BEcomes. For each life adventure then becomes a memory, as an emotion is stored that feeds the soul. As always it is up to each soul how to act, react and process each journey.
Is it always easy? Oh how I wish! Are they all meant to be savored like a fine wine? I'd hazard a guess and say a big fat ol' NO!
However, each does lay the groundwork to how we BEcome of service. Whether it is through a bonafide business, or helping a friend in need, writing a book, crafting beautiful art, accounting, medicine, law, etc.
Again I ask you, what are your roots? What do you keep circling back to?
The strength lies in the roots
As each soul steps into more of honoring who they are, more begins to fall into place for them.
Why? Because they are honoring, truly honoring who they are and why they are here. The have begun the dance of Self Love. Through that waltz, loves triumphs and reigns true.
We are circled by those that love and honor us. That power that is longed for but often pushed away. Just as the flower and foliage is thriving around this tree in the midst of rubble, we too can thrive in the midst of chaos when we stand tall and love us for who we are.
Life really is a wild ride, isn't it? We are expected to grow, prosper, be healthy and loving all the while stuff happens around us. Remember, YOU, each and every one of us is the calm in the center of the storm.
Stand tall in your loving power and others will wish to emulate you.
So, I just got done typing an answer to a post in Angel Chatter about seeming to be reminded lately to help the World get it’s Heart back, and when reading this blog I thot: “That’s it”! I think My root seems to be uplifting Others and attempting to cheer Them with reminding Them of the GOOD and BEAUTY that’s in life. Let’s raise Our vibrations Everyone, together! Remember We’re a Community, so We ARE ALL in this together, and here to SUPPORT each Other, just like the entwining roots of the trees!
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