Angel Chatter Blog

As we all continue to venture forth, Covid has not shown signs up leaving, so now it is up to us to learn to dance within the rules to keep us and all safe while living our life. The rules...
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This week is going to BE dicey energetically for all us, like we haven't been through the wringer enough already, this week is magnified energetically thanks to Luna and the third consecutive, and last, super moon of 2020. Meet the Flower...
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I've had a few clients in recent days reach out and ask... How Do I Clear My Space Energetically? While I coach clients all day long on this very topic and could be another book I was told during meditation...
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What is the definition of Maid, Mother and Crone? How do you label yourself?
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No doubt about it, the shifts in energy right now are palpable. So many have reported: Sleeplessness Crazy CRAZY Dreams Heightened awareness of intuitive gifts Nauseous sensations that cannot be explained Extremely sensitive Food cravings Extreme lack of energy You see,...
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