Five Things to Know About Working with Archangels

As our lives seem to getting busier and busier, it becomes easier and easier to lose touch with the archangels, angels, The Gang.

By the time we realize it has slipped away, we forget how to get it back and keep it. Let's chat....

Step One - Relax.

I know, I know, so much easier said than done, but you know I am right. The more you focus on something, anything, the slippery it seems to get to the conclusion let alone an opening to step through.

It's through relaxing the mind that the body follows suit. How to relax? There are certainly a plethora of ways:

  • Meditation. Just start with five minutes before you jump out of bed. Five minutes giving THANKS for what is currently in your life will not only help to jumpstart your day, but open countless doors.
  • Exercise. Whether it is a walk in the woods, yoga, kick boxing, tai chi, etc. Your mind takes a small break thus allowing you to BE more present. Remember, it is in the State of BEing that miracles happen.
  • Create. Whenever I get in full blown creative mode; writing, gardening, sewing, and/or needlework my mind shuts up. Why? I'm using a not frequent used part of my brain. I'm focusing and having fun in the process vs. the outcome. (OH, get that message? Enjoy the journey!) Many of you have seen the Christmas Stockings I make annually for friends and family. The same love goes into the gardens, perhaps more only because I am in the dirt longer collectively than when I'm in threads and yarns. It doesn't matter the act of what can get you to realign, but engage in it so you can relax. 

Remember, it's really any activity you participate in that can hush the mind. The more you engage in this activity, the more the mind can rest thus allowing you to BE.

Step Two - ASK

True, who hasn't asked for their help and claim they have heard nada.

Me too at times. HOWEVER, I will admit that in those times I am upset about something and my mind just won't shut up for more than a nano-second. I ask. I ask. I ask and get zippo. Which of course is really not the case, but feels like it.

One of the ways I've learned to ask is this:

Be specific about what you wish them to help with. Then give the archangels a deadline of when you want an answer. For example,

A few years back I was in a very whiny mood. Very whiny. Was I really suppose to be doing this work? Was I really here to help inspire and empower folks around the world? (no small task, right?) I mean I wasn't seeing things take off. I wasn't this or that. I was whining pure and simple.

I was out walking Gabi and chatting with The Gang. I told them as such and I demanded a sign from them. The sign had to be clear. The sign had to be angelic (after all I am chatting with them, right?). I had to receive it by Sunday. I figured in the four days it took to get to Sunday, my mood would shift and I'd probably forget my request.

Well each day starting with Thursday I was on the lookout; Was THAT the sign?  or WAS THAT it? or... Well you get the idea.

By the time Saturday afternoon rolled around I had softened the grip of 'signs'.

Sunday morning our youngest texted me at screenshot of what was being aired on TV at the moment.

Every single show, including the ads, had the word angels in it.

Think I got my sign, eh?

Relax, ask and 

Third Step - Allow

Ohhhh, this is probably the most difficult for us humans to grasp and implement. For some bizarre reason we think allowing someone to assist us is a form of weakness.

Including the angels.

I get it. I had that mentality as well for a bit plus you add my control freak tendencies on top of that, it's just not a good combo. 

However, I have learned! 

We've had some beautiful goddesses helping out at shows in those rare times my honey can't assist in person. As long as I am methodical in my explanations and tips to make their lives easier - it's done to my satisfaction and beyond and I've gotten help! I've allowed the assistance. 

Allowing help is not a weakness. It is actually a strength!


Allowing another, even if it comes in the form of a winged and haloed 'person' helps you actually get more out of life from joy, love, health and yes even those mundane tasks to the more pertinent; jobs, etc. 

It is a way to relax. That's not to say you kick back while they do all the work. Oh no! It's assigning a task and being proactive on something you can do with greater joy. 

Step Four - Accept

Now you may think Allow and Accept are one in the same thing. They actually are not. They certainly overlap, but allowing does not always mean you accept the help.

It's the ol' asking someone to wash the dishes and allowing it. THEN going back and washing them to your satisfaction later. You really haven't allowed anything. You are not fooling anyone and in fact you most likely hurt that person's feelings and lowered their self esteem (which of course is not your intention) and made more work for yourself!

It's allowing the archangels loving wisdom in and accepting it. Remember, the archangels will NEVER tell you are unworthy for anything. They warn you. They guide you. They are here to serve you and only you. 

Everything they do comes from love. Everything they do is integrity filled. True, humor may be thrown in for good measure; works quite well on me - gets my attention every time. 

Accept their suggestions. It comes in all sorts of ways; through a friend's mouth, through a song, numbers, inspired ideas that you just can't let go and more. 

So listen and act upon those juicy inspirational ideas you will certainly be getting.

Step Five - Wait

Did I just actually tell you to wait? Yep, sure did. It's in the waiting timeframe that all your senses can come alive. You BEgin to hear with great clarity, not just the surface message, but the underlying meaning.

You BEgin to see. You give witness to life that is surrounding you; a child's laughter, the butterfly dancing in the breeze, the dew on a blade of grass and much more. Colors BEcome more alive and surpass your comfortable spectrum of colors. 

You BEgin to sense more. You know without a doubt when something needs to get done. You understand another's life without judgment and are present to hold space for them.

You BEgin to feel more. You awaken each morning with a smile and a note of gratitude before the day has begun.

All of your senses rise to a higher level of sensitivity which of course allows you to better see, hear, know, feel when the archangels are chatting with you. For once you BEgin to chat and work with the archangels, life is truly never the same. It just gets better and better and better.

Will you relax, ask, allow, accept and receive?

1 comment

  • Vicki Simpson

    Thank you so much Christine! Just the message I needed to hear…

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