Angel Chatter Blog

One can get inspired in the most unexpected ways and from unexpected folks. We were at an expo recently and a lecture participant asked how to send letters to the angels. She wasn't happy with the ritual of writing and burning...
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Releasing old only brings on the NEW! Keep repeating that.. Nobody said releasing or getting rid of stuff was going to be easy. In fact it can be difficult, anxiety ridden, and full of doubts. Something that most avoid...
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2016 = Year of Transparency It's been rather 'funny' lately, the angels keep sharing with me the theme for our upcoming year. It went from Authentic, to many other things that I can no longer remember. Why are they...
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We have been blessed to be added to a beautiful Gift Suggestions List for the holiday!
Check out her site for other great ideas.
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Here it is ... from the winged and halo gang themselves: 2016 - Year of Authenticity Definition ~ Those that are living, promoting, and coercing via dis-ingenuous energies will be highlighted and well let's just say it won't...
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