2016 ~ The Year of Authenticity

Here it is ... from the winged and halo gang themselves:
2016 - Year of Authenticity
Definition ~
Those that are living, promoting, and coercing via dis-ingenuous energies will be highlighted and well let's just say it won't be pretty.
Those that are living via their heart, aka LOVE (so many of you hopefully put that out there) will begin to see, feel, know, embrace and live the shift. One of the best parts?
Folks will see the difference - you will be recognized for who you are
No matter your energy, it shall be returned ten fold. So, as always, it is up to you what you chose to put out there. Everything will be manifesting at record speed.
There is more... but this is just the beginning of what they say...
Hi Chris,
Thanks for this!
I am very much looking forward to 2016 – and I am already feeling the good vibes! I had been reading a lot of information online recently that I intuitively knew was not source energy.
Thank you for the reminder gang!
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