Angel Chatter Blog
There's this thing called Divine Timing So many who dance in my world use this term and so many get 'annoyed' when they hear it directed at them. It almost feels as an excuse or at best a...
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As you may have picked up by now, I'm not super regular with my blog posts. Everyone is busy, including me, and I only write a new post when I feel there is something important to say. Now is that...
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The other week I posted a few rather poor pictures of our sunflowers just for fun because the crows were using them like dinner plates. It was sweet. Nothing note-worthy. So what makes me tell you all about it again?...
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Is a balanced life possible or just a lovely concept? Are you seemingly trying in vain to stay connected with the angels as you go about your day and at times it all seems like a BIG muddled mess creating...
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Dearest Chatterers ~ It's seems like we are always getting the news, 'it's time', 'get ready', 'your desires are heard' and yet nothing seems to be moving forward. While it may seem that way, rest assured that all IS moving...
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