FIVE Things you can do to empower yourself spiritually

I am often asked how can I do this or that? The 'This' or 'That' implies to better embracing and owning one own’s spirituality.

It all starts with YOU.

It starts within.

It starts at the beginning.

Step One


Meditation doesn’t have to be an event that takes like FOREVA. An enlightening session can be as short as five minutes. It’s an easy practice to start, but can take a lifetime to master, but don’t let that hinder you! Meditation opens new horizons, instills stillness within, offers profound peace and leave.

It’s easy to start; call upon Archangel Michael, The Angel of Protection. As Big Mike enters the room, it may begin to feel a bit warmer; don’t be alarmed, it’s one of his signs. Having him to stand guard will you meditate helps to ascertain that all information you get during your meditation is clear and not muddled. This also helps the ego to go sit in the corner for a bit ... might as well give it the proverbial lollipop too.

Sit in a comfy place. Don't go into hyper drive of Am I doing this right? If you are comfy, that is all that matters. Seriously if you can't sit with feet firmly on the ground because you're more comfortable cross-legged, that is all you will think about. I want to cross my legs! or OOPS, I just crossed my legs, best put them flat on the floor. Just stop. BE comfy.

Now place your hands over your heart and listen to your heartbeat. This helps to slow your mind as well as offering you something to focus on. Your breath will naturally slow all resulting in you deepening you meditative state. Again, it doesn't matter which hand is on top.

Stay in this quiet moment that turns into moments. This connection helps you to connect with your heart; the birthplace of your soul. Once connected, allow yourself to remember this connection, this purity, this love. Revel in this moment. Embrace it.

This simple act begins to open doors and enhancing your spiritual side.

Step TwoGet outside. Take a walk on the wild side ... in nature!

Oh, leave that brilliant magical electronic device at home or in your pocket. NO walk will do you a bit of good if you are staring down at the screen. Besides, you might just trip over a tree root or something if you are too busy looking down.

I have gotten into the habit that whenever Gabi and I leave our home I present a situation that I would like clarity on. I start by asking Archangel Sandalphon as he oversees the Earthstar chakra and reminds me to BE more often which allows him and the other Gang Members to answer. My queries can run the gamut; something as inspiration for dinner to expanding on a new product/project idea to explaining something much deeper.

I then let go of that intention and allow to BEcome inspired.

We, Gabi and I, then have a blast as we go about our magical journey walks. Once we reach a certain spot in the woods, she is allowed off leash and free to romp and go swamping. This leaves me free to enjoy the moments with her. Experience that joy, silliness and BEing at peace.

Why at peace? I am centered; living through the energy of love and joy through Gabi. I am so focused on her that nothing else enters my mind at the moment. Those quite little moments of stillness open doors to answers. It’s in those moments my questions begin to unravel to allow answers to softly dance in. They dance in so softly that it is without a doubt a message from The Gang in response to my queries.

It’s feeling the ground beneath my feet that I become more centered, more grounded if you will. It’s feeling the sun’s warmth on my face that my heart lightens. At the moment we are in the midst of another Arctic blast and I can feel the chill course through my body waking up every cell. It’s glorious to feel alive! That essence only deepens my spiritual connection to the universe that surrounds us.

During our walks stillness creeps in. Life creeps in. Love creeps in. My connection to The Gang and God/Goddess strengthens and is fortified.

Give it a try.

Step Three

Chose LOVE over FEAR

Unfortunately life does not always go according to plan. In fact, it rarely goes according to plan.

Every day is truly a new beginning. You can chose to dance in lower energies by whining, jumping in the unsavory, or by focusing on lack of whatever and wherever you feel lack in your life.


You can focus on Love. True, easier said than done… at times. However, no matter how low you feel life has become, there is always something there to be grateful for.

Here are some ‘normal’ ideas to whet your appetite and remind you how lovely your life really is.


  • Love offered from another; social group, family member, friend
  • A sunny day
  • Heat
  • A home
  • Shoes - one never has enough shoes!
  • The ability to see what you already have and offer gratitude. Yep, snuck that one in there.

When we chose a higher vibration (Love), we automatically are choosing to see more of what we can have, BE, and do. Once seen, it’s hard to hide again. Once seen, it is heard. Once seen, it becomes easier to embrace and truly BE.

Choosing fear? Not so much. Let’s just say, you’ll get loads more of what you really don’t want. All the complaining the in world won’t change it. You must change from within and begin to see the beauty of life. The beauty? Only opens you to more of what spirit is offering you.

Chat with Jophiel. She is the Angel of Joy-Filled Power. She’ll be more than happy (pun intended) to put a smile on your face and remind you that you are your most powerful when in JOY.

Step Four


This is not about taking the closest Zumba or kickboxing class. This is participating in a form of exercise that has a spiritual component such as Tai Chi or Yoga.

This is akin to walking outside and reconnecting with nature and all it offers regularly. However, most of yoga and Tai Chi classes are held inside and therefore one can’t use the excuse that it is cold or rainy in order to partake.

When beginning a more spiritually based form of exercise, one naturally slows down. It’s within that stillness that the heart speaks and speaks loudly. Ego is forced to sit in the corner with a lollipop. Why is that?

One simply cannot perform all those yoga poses with grace and ease! I’ve been known to fall over while attempting Crow. It wasn’t pretty, the class was concerned, but I just sat back and laughed. My worse fear was fulfilled; I fell.

Oh but the lesson! I got back up and am now slowly conquering Crow. One day I shall. In the meantime I am humbled and chuckle through the stumbling and teetering and who knows? Perhaps another fall awaits me.

I chat with Metatron on these days. He oversees the Soul Star chakra (about 6” above your head) and oversees your soul’s mission. I present to him a variety of things; how I wish to BE better is the most common theme. I ask that before class commences and by the time Savasana (corpse/relaxation pose) rolls around, I receive answers. My mind drifts. I allow myself to receive hearings from them. I gather to me insights and inspirations.

In one word? It’s magical.

Step Five


Let’s face it, who doesn’t LOVE a good oreo cookie? (that’s my guilty dream of late). I don’t keep them in the house for I know once that bag is open, the bag magically becomes empty and they enter my belly. Not necessarily the best idea. Why do i do this and ignoring a non savory craving?

Because I value my body and what it does for me. I recognize that by eating a higher vibration of food, I am honoring me and my spiritual path. This is not to say I don’t have an oreo once in a while, but IF I do, it’s a small snack pack. Of course as time changes, so do my cravings. You know what? They all revolve around sugar. One thing I have learned that if I ‘suffer’ through a couple of days of No More, the cravings POOF vanish and I can go back to eating better for me with greater ease.

Think about it, what is your guilty pleasure? Switch out my current fave of Oreo to your choice. Indulge. Indulge deeply. How do you feel afterwards? If you are anything like me, not so great. Of course there is the initial high, but it quickly morphs into remorse, bloating, muddled thinking and more (we won’t go into ‘potty talk’).

Now think of the times you eat right for you. Your body felt energized. Ideas could come in fast and furious AND you had more than enough energy that allowed you to act upon them. You rarely got sick. You became excited with life and your connection to source was equally clearer.


Because you were fueling your body and therefore your soul. When you fuel at optimum levels, you can more clearly see, hear, know and sense wisdom from the other side. You are more at peace. You radiate an energy of love, BEing centered that has others wishing to know your secrets.

In other words, you can walk your talk with a genuine smile on your face.

It’s uncanny what our bodies tell us when we eat food that is not good for us. No, no, don’t be mistaken, I’m not going on a Thou Shall BEcome vegan or vegetarian or …. This is about eating what is right for you and only you. Bottom line, some folks need to stay a carnivore.

Gabriel is my go to in this arena. He is the Angel of Miracles and oversees the sacral chakra; the place of sensuality. He guides me to juicier and healthier foods and encourages new recipes to continue to expand my horizons, not my waistline.

Wrap Up

These five seemingly insignificant steps can help in more ways than you may imagine. Are these the only things you can do? Of course not! I look forward to reading what other tricks you have tried successfully that have opened your spiritual horizons as you dance this thing called Life.


Need some help? Pop me a note or schedule a session.

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