Major Moon Event is Coming, Are you Ready?

We are one week away from the one of the biggest moon events in over 150 years. Yes, really. It's been over 150 years since all of this great movement has melded together. What am I talking about? On January 31, 2018 we will experience a:
Blue Moon
Super Moon
Lunar Eclipse
Wrapped up in the juiciness of a Full Moon
Allow me a brief definition of each of these magnificent events. A Blue Moon occurs when there is a second full moon in the same calendar month. Our first was on January 1, 2018. The Super Moon occurs when the moon is closer to Earth than normal. A Lunar Eclipse occurs when the moon passes behind the Earth and the moon takes on an umber hue; this can only happen when the sun, the moon and the earth are in perfect alignment. A full moon? Its full glory can be shared; all of it is illuminated and if we use the light, it can help us to illuminate our correct path(s).
Auriel, The Lunar Angel, is having a blast with so much energy showcasing her energy and love. This is a true POWER PUNCH of energy and it's upon us now. With this kind of energy melding together, only leads to apple carts being overturned in the figurative sense. Therefore, you will, or are already, a bit more emotional than normal and there's more to it than that. Let's go.
2018 = The Year of Love
This is hopefully not the first time you've read this from me, nor shall I think the last. As 2017, The Year of Transparency, was coming to an end, the mirror was turned on us. We were given the opportunity to be more transparent with ourselves. Who are we? What do we desire?
The tail end of 2017's energy is now melding with 2018's energy. This means the time is ripe to BE gentle on yourself. We can do that and so much more thanks to the event that is beckoning us to do just that.
This is not a time to push forward because you have to or are suppose to. In fact, I've given up my beloved yoga class more than once in lieu of sitting in a nice hot bubble bath. In other words, this is not your invitation to enter a Coach Potato Contest, but rather to find another activity that helps you to refuel.
What can I do?
So glad you asked. This energy is offering a major opening, a chance to go within and ask some of those soul searching questions.
We are asked once again to re-evaluate.
- Re-evaluate what we are doing
- Re-evaluate how we are doing it
- Re-evaluate who is in our tribe
- Our Inner circle from friends
- Our Colleagues
- Our Business associates
- Re-evaluate life
It is when we take those Re-evaluation moments that break throughs can not only happen, but DO happen. Is it easy? If I'm honest, most likely not, but oh the relief and power that comes with making a few changes!
Some symptoms as they connect to the moon and her energies
Many, me included are shifting. There appears to be very little gray area in the symptoms, although there always seem to be some that don't feel a thing. Here goes:
- Food. You are now either a bottomless pit and cannot get enough food in OR seem to not care whether you eat or not. There is a 'weird' hiccup with this; many are not eating much more than fruit in the morning, but come late afternoon/evening - 'what's to eat?' I asked Auriel as to the whys and she responded that the lighter fare in the morning hours help to open up to greater insights. The heavier food later not only helps to ground, but to fuel the seeds that are being planted for your future.
- Sleep. Dreams are more common. Pay attention even if they seem insignificant. Sleep patterns are or seem to be off as well. Try to stick to a routine, no matter what. You'll thank me later.
- Emotions. Pretty much all over the map. To be expected as much is surfacing and ready to be loved more into submission.
So many are struggling in a variety of ways at the moment. Some acts of despair have resulted in over ten school shootings since January! Some cries of help resulted from a trusted relationship ending. Some are more gentle and are hopefully getting the message to its receiver with greater clarity.
Pay Attention
This includes you. Warning signs are always given when a personal event/shift is upon us. Always. However we tend to overlook them; they aren't pleasant let's face it. We claim to be too busy to focus on that. We play Scarlett and 'worry about it tomorrow.' and you're right, tomorrow never quite makes it to today.
Today is the day. Take about one hour of your time. Yes I know you're busy, just as I am busy. Go to a new locale; your local library, coffee/tea shop, nature. Someplace where you can dis-engage and listen.
Just yesterday I went to a Salt Spa with the full intention to leave my phone alone. this was my disengaging time! In fact it was left it in the spa locker. I settled in to the warmth and soft energy of salt surrounding me. I wasn't settled for more then ten minutes when they started talking and talking LOUDLY.
Auriel, The Lunar Angel, came in fast and furious as it was apparently time to shift within and prepare for the new for us all.
'You need your phone to take dictation. We've a new project for you.'
Is there NO rest for the weary? This was my first response. Apparently not. I listened and as usual they started in. I quickly hit the Pause Button and shuffled back to the locker room and grabbed my phone and shuffled back. For the next 45 minutes I wrote on my phone. What's it about? Honestly can't share yet for it is certainly in the incubation stage. However I will share it it BIGGER than The Book and The Course... it's that deep and powerful and loving.
Just do it
Bottom line, I listened and am also re-evaluating. I will continue to do what I do, but now taking it deeper for it's time for all of us to shine. Me included. With each level we enter, we are asked to BE. Be more us. BE more present. BE more LOVE. With each blossoming we push forward in our gentleness and BE stronger, more empowered. Why? Because we are BEcoming LOVE.
Enjoy this fantastic moon energy that is upon us, why fight it? Why not go with the flow? Go to that new locale, with a pad of paper or notebook. Settle in and get ready for some very juicy ideas. Will the change be easy? Can't answer that - it all depends on you and your willingness to shine.
Need help doing this? Pop me a note or schedule a reading; it's one of the many things I truly LOVE doing; inspiring others.
I learned a lot from your article. This might explain why I have been feeling sluggish and have a cough that won’t go away!! I work with young children with Autism and Developmental Disabilities and there is a lot of pressure to get a flu shot. Something I have never done. I was starting to feel guilty cause I haven’t gotten one and can’t seem to get back on track. Your message has helped me to keep on trucking and listen for the deeper message!!
I am really looking forward to my weekend retreat with you in June! It is giving me something to look forward too!!
Guess what? While typing this my cough has calmed down! Very Interesting!
Warm regards,
Loved this, dont know how I missed it, well that is not really true, brushing over so many things that perhaps I need to rething my priorities, But then, a little voice just said no you were meant to read it today-you were ready to listen, LOL
Again loved it and Love You
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