Good Girls Can Be Tenacious, but first...

Good Girls Can Be Tenacious, but first... - Angel Chatter

As you know, I'm a self appointed Good Girl. While it is a badge worth wearing, it's not worth owning. 


BEcause it can hold one back. If a goddess totally embraces her Good Girl persona, well then, she must always BE good. No more rebel, system buster, leader and more. For Good Girls over the decades, by society standards, are submissive and afraid, yes I said afraid, of shining their gorgeousness whether it be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual gorgeousness.

Let's stop this, shall we?

Why Stop BEing Just A Good Girl?

You are multi-faceted, yes? Can you not walk and chew gum at the same time? Of course of you can. Of course you can!

Singer and songwriter, Peggy Lee said it best in her song:

I can wash out forty four pairs of socks and have 'em hangin' out on the line
I can starch and iron two dozens shirts 'fore you can count from one to nine
I can scoop up a great big dipper full of lard from the drippin's can
Throw it in the skillet, go out and do my shopping, be back before it melts in the pan
'Cause I'm a woman! W-O-M-A-N, I'll say it again

I can rub and scrub til this old house is shinin' like a dime
Feed the baby, grease the car, and powder my face at the same time
Get all dressed up, go out and swing 'til four A.M. and then
Lay down at five, jump up at six, and start all over again
'Cause I'm a woman! W-O-M-A-N, I'll say it again


The Many Faces of Good Girls

Look around you. If you are sitting by yourself at the moment, google Goddess Faces. Every single one of those goddesses is different from the other. From skin color, to size, to hair, to age and well you get the idea. Each one is not only physically gorgeous, but exudes self confidence and quiet power that draws you in. 

Each one of them tells a brilliant story; herstory. Each one of them is tenacious - having a quality of determination and never giving up or letting go.

Why? For she recognized her innate wisdom and needed to share it with others. Some via large platforms as public speaking, books and more. Some on a quieter more inner circle platform; for those with eyes to see and BE encouraged to BE their authentic self. Both have great value for each creates a ripple for others to give witness to and empower themselves to come out and play.

Each ripple creates more ripples. Before you know it, you ARE affecting so many more than you personally come in contact with. Therefore, what is the image you are putting forth?

Empowerment or Belittlement?

Things to ponder.

 What Are Your Many Faces?

Now, I'm not talking about make-up vs. make-up less face. I'm talking about your face

When you look at another, you can often get an immediate glimpse of their psyche at that particular moment. For example, I saw a practitioner yesterday and  today. She is gleefully working on my shoulder. 

Her first comment today was you look so different; calm more at peace.

While I had on my first time to meet you face on yesterday, the pain I was in was evident (it's a shoulder thing). Through her gifts she is helping muscles to relax; much less pain and therefore my face and body movements display that. 

Look at yourself in the mirror. This is not a critique of what hairs are turning gray or wrinkles emerging or bags blossoming.

Instead it is a look into your soul. Is that soul happy? If it is, KUDOS to you!

If it is not, what could you do to lessen that load. What could you do to brighten your day? What could you do that says YES to you? 

More things to ponder. 

Look it, we've all had crap happen in our lives; death, dissolutions, arguments, illness (to self or loved one) and more.

On the flip side, we've all had glorious things happen in our lives; children, marriage, recognition for our innate gifts, sunny days, vacations, flowers, lollipops and unicorns (just making sure you are still reading ;) ).

It's what we focus on or allow to take over that can de-rail what we wish to do. 

It's Time

It's time to take a more in depth look into our psyche and remember our individaul WHYS.

  • Why do I wish to this or that?
  • Why do I wish this or that to happen?
  • Why do I desire better health?
  • Why do I desire more money and less bills?
  • Why do I wish a partner to share my life?
  • WHY

Why bother  doing all thinking thought provoking deep work? Because then you have answers. Then you gain greater clarity of what truly motivates you. Once you have answered the WHYS - it's important to keep asking in one arena until you hit a nerve that makes you think harder and more profoundly - you gain clarity. You gain and remember your tenacity. You move forward with great grace for now you have a mission and it is going to be much harder to derail you from this point forward. 

That's why. 

What Angel to Call Upon for This Mission?

Uriel, Angel of Safety, once again comes forward.


Because he, like no other will help you to feel safe to BE you. The real you. The authentic you. The glorious you. 

Focus on his energy coming forth in his mandala below. You are welcomed to meditate on its energy to help unleash what you have been hiding.

It's time for you to come out and play now.

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