Good Girls Can BE.... A Rebel and Proud of It!

Good Girls Can BE.... A Rebel and Proud of It! - Angel Chatter

As the eldest and only child for seven years and the 'girl'... I adopted and embraced the essence of Good Girl for decades.

You know, the girl who says yes because she has too out of obligation. The good girl who doesn't dare raise her freak flag for the fear of being well freakish. The good girl who rarely rocks the boat because life is better when calm.

Does this ring a bell for you and your life?

Shifting the Paradigm of BEing a Good Girl

This energy has been building for years and in various small pockets around the globe it has emerged and blossoming to never turn back. 

This hit a nerve while traveling through France last summer. I had the great fortune to connect with many, many amazing people and one in particular whom I shall call Susan. Susan is a grandma and at first glance very proper, unassuming and rather conservative. OH NO... looks deceive! The more I chatted with Susan the more I realized it was her safety persona. This woman is a flat out rebel!

Stories abounded as she shared snippets of her life. Someone dared to give her the moniker of Bad Nana. This really rubbed me the wrong way for what was she doing that was bad?


She was breaking molds of what a proper grandma ought to act like. She was breaking molds and bending rules since a young lass at private school. She was a rebel. That is the name I proudly gave her... Rebel Nana. She questioned it at first, but when I explained that she was actually a role model and to not allow title, age, etc to define one's self. She LOVED it... or so I am led to believe.

This one goddess taught much... so much simply by BEing. BEing glorious, sassy rebellious and I LOVED it. Why? She is BEing genuine to her. 

Isn't that what so many desire?

A Good Girl has been

For centuries it has been expected and doled out that men and women can do certain things and to stay put in those lanes and how dare you skip to another lane. 

Those defined good girls followed their dictated path and some quite passive about it. Others? Dare to bend if not break molds by BEcoming trailblazers in fields across the the spectrum. Fields from aviation, medicine, space, and so much more. 

Women gathered and won the right to vote in the United States. Women continue to gather and collaborate to create. Create change, create true equality - lip service is no longer an option. Good Girls are doing this and so much more. 

What about Life as a Good Girl?

BEing a good girl no longer means one has to bend and succumb to what is expected of them. Does this mean one comes out with guns blazing? Of course not - not in the metaphorical or literal sense. It does mean one first must realize what their chosen whys are.

  • Why do I desire this or that?
  • Why do I wish to live here or there?
  • Why do I prefer...?
  • Why?

When one begins to dig deep and no longer deny who they are by definition of their gifts is a BIG step in itself. Just today another goddess reached out because she has been approached since a child as one folks feel safe to share their story. Why? She is a natural healer, highly empathic and more. However, she has been in denial for decades which so saddens me. However she now recognizes some of her whys and can no longer hide. Thus we begin working together to help her remember her beautiful essence so she then helps many others.


What are your whys? If you are not sure of even one, it's time we chat to unleash a few to start and grow from there. Why? BEcause it is just one of the many things I LOVE doing; helping others to shine their essence. 

Good Girls and Angels

There is so much to chat about in this one arena alone that I've actually had a somewhat difficult time isolating just a few examples to help get you juiced up about YOU.

What angel did I go to first? Uriel hands down. Why? Uriel is the Angel of Safety. He is the consummate winged reminder that YOU are Safe to BE YOU. It is no longer acceptable to pretend to BE someone you are not. It is no longer acceptable to hide in hopes it might go away. It is no longer acceptable to dull your gorgeous, beautiful light.

Why? BEcause your light is so needed at this moment at this time - yes like right now.

That's WHY.

Isn't it time you embraced your inner Rebel?

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