Angel Chatter Blog

What Coronavirus is Teaching Me - Part Eleven
Are you pining for a new headline that is not coronavirus related? Me too. However, we are far from that moment.  So here we go, installment Eleven on my personal coronavirus adventure and what blessings I glean from this... Part Eleven How...
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What Coronavirus is Teaching Me - Part Ten
This week is going to BE dicey energetically for all us, like we haven't been through the wringer enough already, this week is magnified energetically thanks to Luna and the third consecutive, and last, super moon of 2020. Meet the Flower...
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What Coronavirus is Teaching me Part Nine
Who hasn't felt their waistline, ahem slightly expanding since in quarantine? I'm no different.  BEing a very Type A person I was 'determined' to emerge BEtter, healthier, lighter and exhibiting firmer muscles. HA! Foolish dreams. Stage One I researched. What...
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