Angel Chatter Blog
Let's just face facts. Coronavirus or covid-19 is here for the long haul. There is no amount of wishing or praying that will eradicate it. Sorry to BE the bearer of bad news, but there it is. Last week, they...
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What Covid-19 is teaching me.
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On March 9, 2020 we have our first SuperMoon of the year with the second following next month on April 7. Buckle those seatbelts! What is a SuperMoon? The moon does not has a true circular orbit. Rather its orbit...
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What Exactly is this Ascension 'Stuff'? As a very spiritual soul, you can look back over your life, no matter how short or long and pat yourself on the back for the growth you have undergone. You have learned to speak...
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A Story of a Girl and Her Angels A long time ago, there was a girl. This girl could see and chat with angels. Her friends told her she was weird. Her family wasn't sure what to make of her, even...
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