What Coronavirus is Teaching Me - Part Eleven

Archangel Uriel. Christine Alexandria/Angel Chatter

Are you pining for a new headline that is not coronavirus related?

Me too.

However, we are far from that moment. 

So here we go, installment Eleven on my personal coronavirus adventure and what blessings I glean from this...

Part Eleven

How often do you ask others, 'What did you do today?' or 'What are you going to do today?'

Do. Oh how we pride ourselves in how much we accomplish. 

I'm no different. Very often my husband and I over our morning coffee will ask the other 'What are you doing today?' I realized a bit ago that this little ol' question was putting great pressure on me, the ultimate perfectionist. For if I didn't complete the assigned 'To Do List' I felt like a slacker. Of course my husband didn't make me feel that way, it was me. All in my head. Me.

In recent weeks I've purposefully changed my question towards him to reflect more -

  • 'What's on your agenda today?' or
  • 'What's your plan for the day?' or
  • Is it a busy day (he has regular meetings, deadlines, etc) or a day you can work on your novel, etc.?' 

I haven't found the right phraseology, yet, but by asking a question that does not include 'DO' I am actually freeing myself up better. 

In fact, this blog post is coming out later than normal this week as I had three LOVELY and amazing clients this morning and needed a bit of a forest bath afterwards. I walked for over five miles, lost in the woods, having a 'moment' with a foursome of deer, watching the loons, laughing at the squirrels posing only to scamper off when the camera came out and so on. 

I returned replenished only to see that my beautiful assistant publicly yanking my chain for not releasing this week's blog.


I shall not apologize for not doing something according to plan. 

I chose to BE instead. 

BE or do, do or BE

To BE or not to BE that is indeed the question! Thank you William Shakespeare and Prince Hamlet.

How easily we can still apply that very statement in current times. To BE or not to BE... maybe I'd rather do instead. 

Certainly there are some things that we all must do in our current situation if we wish to remain healthy, and I do wish to remain healthy, thank you very much:

  • Wash our hands
  • Keep 6' or more from another
  • Wear masks in public
  • BE compassionate towards others who are more fearful for whatever their reasoning (remember you really don't know their back story, so hush and learn a thing or two)
  • and so on

That is this weeks revelation.

To BE more consciously. 

To BE more present with life. 

To BE.

A bit of backstory

I've been making masks for loved ones, clients as well as students. The only thing I have asked in return is for them to pay it forward when possible and a nice ol' 'Thank you'. 

Not looking for kudos, it's one of the things I do, because I desire to. 

However, making the masks I found were wearing on my energy. The fact that I couldn't pretend they were not needed. The fact that they were now more a way of life than not. The fact it could help another. I chose sassy uplifting fabric with the thought if I had to wear these things, let them make a statement. 

But after three or four rounds of making them, I noticed I would crash energetically the day after. The last round I was wound. Wound tight. Rain was forthcoming ... again, but had to get out of the house. I felt like a caged animal that needed OUT. I told my husband I was off for a walk, but would stay close by in case it rained. 

'Call me if you need me to come get you.'

Off I went. Hooked a right, went through the development.

No rain.

Hooked another right, went by the high school. Crossed the street and headed towards home. Hit stop light. 

No rain. Kept going thinking I'd cross at the parking lot entering the woods.

No rain upon arrival. Kept going. By the time I reached the woods, I had processed and detoxed what was bugging me. My pace slowed. I could enjoy the scenery, the light dappling through the trees, hear the wind whistling along with the birds. 

I ended up by the river's edge and sat and sat and sat. I had already walked five miles. Maybe I'll call him just to drive me home. My legs are telling me it's ok.

Nah. This had to be completed. I lingered. I pondered. I sat. The angels eventually chimed in and said it was time to leave if I was to arrive home dry.

Okay then. 

As I meandered the walk home we chatted. 

Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel came forward with the message of detoxing. 

The walk I was on was just that. 


Not only detoxing the physical body for by now I was, ahem, glowing, but detoxing of the mind. 

I was remembering to BE and wasn't that a lovely thing?

Here's a bit from him directly:

My Dearest One 

As you are experiencing in this moment, your mind is a beautiful thing as it absorbs the energy of others. You absorb the fear, the lack and more as you are helping those in need doing what you do.

However, as you are remembering in this moment, you too require that detoxing. One, this also includes you, cannot continue to use their empathic gifts unless they allow themselves to BE to replenish and rejuvenate. 

NOW is the time. 

NOW is the time to BE present.

NOW is the time to BE you. 

Do what needs to BE done in the efforts of work, etc. but the detoxing of the physical leads to the detoxing of the mental as well. Both require regular emptying so to speak in order to BEtter operate in the day to day of life. As you are more isolated due to the pandemic, take those blessed moments to BE.

There is no race. 

There is no winning ribbon for getting there first.

The end? It's death. Are you racing towards that? Of course not. 

Then BE. 

When you BE you assist more than you realize.

When you BE, you inspire more and remind them to BE themselves.

When you BE, the mind is still and the heart expands. 


There is more, but that's for me and I shan't bore you with it all. 

What Will You Chose?

Do you desire to BE more often or keep busy doing?

As always it is your choice. 

Life is full of choices. 

Do what needs done. 

But take time to BE.

Allow yourself to BE more often to remember what is really important to you. If more were honest with yourself, it's not about perfect nails, skin and getting hair done or sweating at the gym (go outside, trust me on this one). If you are more honest, don't you crave balance, peace, love? Have you seen one meme in recent times showing one shopping? I haven't. Have you seen one meme showing traffic? I haven't. Have you seen one meme exhibiting stress that inspires you? Me either.

Does balance, peace and love pay the bills? Of course not. However, when we are fulfilling our mission and what gets us juiced up, we exude peace. We knowingly crave balance and search out ways to incorporate it in our daily living.

Then we live LOVE. 

What do you chose?


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