Angel Chatter Blog

It's been yet another interesting week. Full of celebrations, upheavals and evolving. I'm witnessing shifts, are you? Let's get Woo-Woo this week and discuss 3D and 5D! 3D ~ What is it? If you aren't aware of what 3D is...
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The chaos continues and shall continue for several more months from the looks of it. I've been compiling the monthly Angel Card offering readings for clients and from the way the readings are going, July is going to get dicier...
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Here we are, yet again, still prattling on about covid and everything that has been illuminated since its breakout. Is civil unrest a new thing? Of course not. It's been around for centuries. If you think it's new, I'm sorry,...
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The world seems to BE waking up, doesn't it? Nobody ever said that awakening was to be a walk in the park mind you. Haven't you ever gotten up 'on the wrong side of the bed'? Sure you have. Just...
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I could have played it safe this week and thought long and hard about it. I could have written about the Lunar Eclipse happening this week and it may still come into play, but not as the main topic. The...
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