Angel Chatter Blog

Gabi and I take regular walks in the woods that I have dubbed Magical Walks. As we prepare to leave home, I pose a question for The Gang (aka the angels) that I wish them to answer while we are...
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I am often asked how can I do this or that? The 'This' or 'That' implies to better embracing and owning one own’s spirituality. It all starts with YOU. It starts within. It starts at the beginning. Step One Meditation...
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It's a GLORIOUS day here mid 60s and it's the beginning of February! What 'bright' groundhog said we're getting six more weeks of winter? Me thinks, or hopes at least, he's WRONG. It's scheduled to rain tomorrow and Gabi and...
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As an Angel Goddess-preneur, it's often a one woman goddess show. YES, I have loads of folks helping in ALL sorts of ways, so this is in no way discounting their immense love, support and physical help. I know, I...
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