Sometimes you just gotta...

Sometimes you just gotta... - Angel Chatter

As an Angel Goddess-preneur, it's often a one woman goddess show. YES, I have loads of folks helping in ALL sorts of ways, so this is in no way discounting their immense love, support and physical help. I know, I know, I put this pressure on myself. 

The angels and I have a pact; guess it's the word of the week, and there is a list that is ginormously long of things I wish to do. I really won't bore you with all of those, but suffice it to say I keep myself pretty darn busy. I'll repeat; I know, I know, I put this pressure on myself and I'm usually the Chief Whip Cracker reminding me of what needs to get done like yesterday.


So today, I protested. Yes indeed I did. I broke my routine...kinda.

I still did The Dailies... the channeled messages so many of you look forward to (if you don't know what I'm chatting about, come find me on Facebook), had my morning cappuccino and the routine broke when I took a shower immediately following! Yes, this may be TMI, but I often get so caught up in writing, walking Gabi, etc. showers don't happen until later in the day.

I broke the routine and did errands! Heresy I tell you! Errands! You know one really needs to get out more often when errands are exciting! ;) Errand running I did with Gabi accompanying me as my trusty co-pilot. We arrived back home and decided I'm making one of my husband's favorite dinners tonight... SHHHH... roasted chicken, homemade cranberry sauce and homemade stuffing. He will be giddy. 

After that, I still wanted to rebel. Off Gabi and I go on our walk and we tried a new path; going deep into the woods.

Gabi ventured further off trail than ever. She went swamping:


We laughed. Okay I laughed, she grinned:


We walked over five miles today and came home rejuvenated! I had set my intention with Sandalphon (Angel of Grounding) before we left home to better understand a new section he wished included in the Authorization Course for students. At best it had become a Hair Hurting Experience, but as we were out, he offered insights in ways that I finally 'got it'.

So sometimes, you just gotta go on a flyer, break your routines and have a bit of fun when it's not scheduled. My Act of Self Love today is complete. What did you do for you?



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