Angel Chatter Blog

Revolve. Evolve. Funny two words that sound very similar, and yet so very different. One keeps you going; like a gerbil wheel. You're making great time, but aren't moving forward one iota.  In this scenario you Survive. You are treading water. The...
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Good Girls Can Be Tenacious, but first...
As you know, I'm a self appointed Good Girl. While it is a badge worth wearing, it's not worth owning.  Why? BEcause it can hold one back. If a goddess totally embraces her Good Girl persona, well then, she must always...
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WHY do I do what I do?
My life, as yours, has been an interesting journey thus far and and excited to see and own where we go next.  Why do we need to know our WHYS? Think about it. If one better understands what motivates them...
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