Are YOU Revolving or Evolving?

Revolve. Evolve. Funny two words that sound very similar, and yet so very different.

One keeps you going; like a gerbil wheel. You're making great time, but aren't moving forward one iota.  In this scenario you Survive. You are treading water.

The other has you transforming and continually looking for more. More juice, more laughter, more life and of course more love. In this scenario you Thrive. You blossom and grow.

Which scenario do you live? Which scenario would you prefer?

It comes back to the story you tell yourself

We ALL have stories we've bought into at some point:

  • 'Everyone' in my family has diabetes, so I know I'm going to get it
  • Girls can't play sports ... with guys
  • It's so hard to start your own business and succeed. Do you know how many fail every year? I'll play it safe and work for Da Man.
  • I'm doing good work; I can't possible charge a lot; that's being greedy

Ummm... any of this sound familiar?

If they do, it's time to change youstory. Diabetes? True you may be pre-disposed for this disease, but that does not mean you 'get it'... You have been warned that it is a possibility. You can alter your diet and exercise regime to hopefully keep it at bay. 

The girl thing? Society is already seeing shifts that has girls playing sports.

If nobody ever started a business, the heart and light would go out in so many scenarios. Drudgery would become the norm. Creativity would flat out die. Businesses start because someone was passionate about a cause, their mission, and idea somewhere along the way. I'm proof of this.

Can't charge a lot? Pashaw. I admit I can be somewhat lazy. While I work hard and focused I rather hope it's not at the workaholic phase; I enjoy taking time out to BE. I'd rather have a strong core of amazing clients, students and customers who want to move forward and are looking for a push, a prod or a hug to get them there. I get my ideal tribe because that is how I have programmed my business. I actually had a student a while ago tell me I was getting greedy to my face! Oh my. I turned on a dime with her and shared that I have worked very hard to get where I am and the course was not something that was thrown together overnight. I respect myself and the time put into it all and charge accordingly (and for the record, I was told to charge A LOT more from other experts). Plus I am still personally involved throughout the entire eight month plus long course. PLUS isn't the universe vast? Isn't the universe unlimited? Therefore the time for surviving has long past. 

It is time to THRIVE... each and every one of us.

You included. 

 No matter your passion, if you are called to spread your beautiful wings, DO IT!

GRATITUDE shifts more than you may know

When one is in the whining stage of an event. How beneficial is it to whine to themselves and any who will listen? This is not to say don't share a mishap in your life. However there is no need to keep repeating the story over and over and over again. For every time you share the story, it's 'truth' seeps in deeper and before you know it, you are the proud owner of a new story that is not serving you. 

My dad says, 'That action is beneath you." Smart man he is. 

Switch it to the essence of Gratitude. Sure you may be grateful for much in your life; a roof over your head, health, friends that check in on you and lights that go on off at the flick of a switch. 

I am too. 

When is the last time you gave thanks at a meal? I mean really gave thanks not just reciting or mumbling the rote pre-meal prayer that rolls off your tongue without a thought. 

When is the last time you were grateful for the utensils that put that food in your mouth?

When is the last time you really enjoyed the meal vs. eating while you're watching your latest binge show? 

It's that kind of gratitude I'm talking about Chatterers. 

The kind of Gratitude that melts your heart, brings a smile to your face and who knows maybe a Happy Tear or two... The kind of Gratitude that fills your soul from the tips of your toes and through the crown of your head. 

Yes, yet another Lesson in BEing. 

Revolve or Evolve

Here we go again. Are you tired of hearing the same story from others and of course the ones you have running in your head or coming out of your mouth?

You always have the choice to change your story. You can change your story from one of going in circles to moving forward.

The choice is one only you can make to change. 

How to start to change it?

Pay attention! Yes, BE. What do you prattle on about in your head? What is the story of why this or that hasn't happened? Initially just simply take note.  

After you have noted a story that is playing on the repeat mode. Write it down. Look at those words; can you better understand why it is not working in your favor?

How can you change those words to better reflect where you wish go and how to BE? You have the power to change those words to better reflect the divine essence of you. 

It's time to change the story from:

  • Revolving to EVOLVING
  • Surviving to THRIVING
  • Failing to SUCCEEDING
  • Emptiness to WHOLENESS

As I have often said, it is up to YOU to decide and commit to those blessed changes you desire to experience. Others can show you various ways, but YOU have to decide and take the first step.

What Angel do I Chat With to Evolve?

There are so many angels that one can chat with to better commit to themselves, but when I asked them whom, Shamael, Angel of Harmony stepped forward. 

Why Shamael? For it did surprise me as well; this is what was shared:

By letting go of pre-conceived notions of how things are suppose to be, you slip into the energy of harmony. 

When one is more harmonious with their essence, they are more inclined to go with the flow and not get caught up in the end result of any one event.

They BEcome proactive in nurturing their dreams into realty and simply keep moving forward one beautiful step at a time. 

Once stepped into Harmony, 

please work from the Ground up:

Ground your energy in the here and now

Know you ARE safe to BE you.

You CAN create all you desire by simply LIVING

You have great joy-filled power that also protects you as you walk your path.

Loving Self first is not selfish, but imperative thus allowing all paradigms within and beyond to heal; including your mindset

By tapping into your amazing intuition, you can see how you are designed to BE

Connecting with the 1,000 petal lotus brings a sense of peace that at this moment feels like a concept.

Re-Connecting with your higher self at the Soul Star will offer constant reminders of whom you are and WHY you are at this moment in time. 


Honestly, Shamael has never been quite this chatty! LOVE this and will reference often myself. Hope you do too. 

If you are not part of our growing and sacred community, come join us on Facebook and join in the Chatter.  


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