Angel Chatter Blog

The chaos continues and shall continue for several more months from the looks of it. I've been compiling the monthly Angel Card offering readings for clients and from the way the readings are going, July is going to get dicier...
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Spring is my favorite season. It may have to do with that is the season I was born into and yet who knows. What I do know is that I get giddy every single spring when life begins anew. To give witness...
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The very word emissary can be defined as: "A person sent on a special mission, usually diplomatic in nature." Now not many, if any, of us reading this brilliant blog are a government official in the diplomatic corps. However, each...
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BEing grateful can be easy for the lovely things, but can you BE grateful for the not so lovely too?
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Does your mind ever play games with you? Mine does. I begin to wonder if this illusion we call life is real and if I am who I say I am.
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